I love Nigeria. One of My favorite musicians resided there for a while did some of his best work.
http://www.felaproject.net/ Now you can't fault a major leader for trying to clean house. "whats that smell?... corruption"! I think Nigeria suffers from a kind of manic-depression. Most of the nigerian population lives in starving, fear for your life dictatorship reppression. While the select few live in lush, posh, weekend in New York and pass the caviar.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4410109.stm The real reason the head chief of nigeria is mopping up his cabinet is because our own Hawk neo-con. Will award nigeria a bunch of debt relief for cleaning its mess. Convenient how Paully is in a place to do so.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4410109.stm So I ask you. If in America and your in debt beyond your ability to pay. Will thoes who are owed, sieze your assets? Damn Fuckin' right they will! So why isnt the world bank doing so? Nigeria is the 6th largest oil producing nation in the world. Take the Fucking OIL! but wait that would lower oil prices cuz more oil would be diverted onto the world market and the greedy fuckin pigs wouldn't make as much. You see, world bank would sieze the reserves and demand the remainder to be paid as its pumped out. Nigeria would just increase production to pay for its own needs and current customer obligations. The oil the world bamk would get would have to be sold asap cuz crude has a shelf life of six months.
But, But, the bad men in the NIgerian government are out now and Nigeria will be a better place. NO Not really, this whole thing is a publicty stint! Housing Minster? Education Minster? I understand the chief of police tho. The two former Minsters are pawns. they can and will be replaced. Shit we do worse here in America, Sally Mae? No child left behind? The bad fuckers are still in power and Paully is gonna rape'em of their oil. Great musicians, bad chess players.
and this is just sad.