OMG! I have finally gotten meh hands on dogfight. . yesh the song that i've been asking everyone for. . i just downloaded it. . like literally no joke less than 5 minutes ago. it's only the tv version, and the single with the full version isn't released until may 26 supposedly. . but hey, I GOT DOGFIGHT!. . *blasts*. so yea. oh, and btw michiru-san i got golden age, the full version. I <3 initial d sites, they are oh so godly. the second stage is almost as addictive as the first one. yea, i finally watched ep 1-3, and the suspense in waiting fer ep 4-6 to finish downloading could kill, seriously. and it's only 26 min and 11 sec away. *the anticipation could kill* yesh, and ryosuke has light brown hair and they FINALLY make it known that mogi is dating that business d00d for money, and she breaks up with him. and bunta's gonna change the engine to the ae86, but first takumi has to LOSE. so yea. and then they had the battle btw the ae86 and emperor's lanevo IV, and that was godly, and then takumi vowed to never again race in akina, because it didn't feel like a win for him. jesus man he dented the car up pretty badly, there's scratches like everywhere, and bunta got pretty mad. but he's happy because now takumi'z driving style has changed. and yea. i could go on and on about this. i <3 dogfight. but the version is WAY to short, so yep yep back to golden age and move ~ dream. everyone must download those songs. and and guess what else i just found out at this ungodly hour of the morning,
the cd Super Eurobeat Presents: Initial D Battle Stage
was released yesterday May 15, only two years ago, in 2002. *dies*
but yea. . i'm so saving up for that cd, it has purty songs, highly addictive songs. i really need to get meh permit, and meh liscense, and a whole lot of money to fix up meh car, and the go racing, and i kinda decided after reading all this stuff on the manhattan project that if by some chance i don't make it in the bio-it world, 'm gonna go into nuclear astrophysics, or chemical engineering, something along those lines. d00d man neils bohr and albert einstein were some funny people. XD, messed up people, but none the less funny. like seriously practically every frickin scientist in the ENTIRE world that people learn about in all those chemistry books had SOMETHING to do with the manhattan project. and man did we go far to make sure that Germany couldn't make the atomic bomb. we stole all of their uranium-235 and 238 and leveled their plants, AND kinda "borrowed" their scientists, as well as the ones in Italy, and France. so yea. we made it a BIT harder for them. tea is yummy this early in the morning. and i got back to watching initial d first stage ep 14-26, and i have officially realized that i have no memory whatsoever, and not only that i was skimming through the new type magazines from like 2 months ago and it said in there that full metal alchemist was liscensed, and 'm all like, wow how did i miss that. so yea, i'm still in like a mad rage to download all of it, i <3 that series. alchemy sounds interesting too. jeez man i still have to read as i lay dying ~ faulkner, that book is so incredibly boring, i can't read more than 2 pgs without falling asleep, although i doubt i could fall asleep now, the excitement is like pure adrenaline. speed man, good stuff. gah! 15 min 08 seconds until the episodes. oh yea, another good anime, tokyo underground, i got 'round to watching the episodes that i had downloaded of that too, the really need to stop making all these things cliffhangers, i mean someones gonna die of something one of these days, i mean how do all these people handle it, the suspense, the agony, the WAITING. a few people must've gone mental just from the wait. so yea ep. 10 is a bit of a cliffie, and it's gonna be like 18 hrs fer ep 11-13 to finish. jeez man bittornado is so slow. . if it were regular downloads, it'd be done by now. but nu, they only have them on bittornado, but hey i guess that's better than nothing. is anybody's eyes hurting yet? oh yea one of yuu people's is gonna kill meh fer taking up the entire friends page, sorrie peeps, 'm too lazy to use lj cuts. too hyper right now to care. and michiru yuu dun answer ur phone at like 4:30 anymore. .so yuu missed the moment of celebration. and yea i got addicted to all the songs from the first stage all over again. jesus man, i'm like never gonna be able to get these songs off of meh compie, i keep listening to them WAY too often, it's bad, yo. .it's a serious addiction man, i need rehab. i don't think even THEY can handle it, they'd be like. .d00d just stop watching/listening to it.
meh ~ wtf! i can't just STOP.
them ~ why not. . !?!?!
meh ~ >.<; baka-tachi. tch. .*twaps with the baka stick*
*gets put in a straight jacket*. it's s'okie i shall kill yuu with meh mad skills. . *conjures up some weird stuff*. . ~*BOOM*~. weee!!!!!!!! purty colors. . wow. .this whole thing of early morning on a sunday is so not working. i dun think it's normal to be this hyper. hey this is what yuu get when yuu give jen 3 hrs of sleep, then make her stay up fer almost 4 hrs, nu anime, just eve of destiny music, nu initial d music, and reading over stuff from the manhattan project and then getting pissed because i can't find a FULL list of all the scientists, i mean wtf guys, it's not all that top-secret. but apparently it is, so now here i am hunting all over the damned place looking for specific information and all i get is one document that was released less that a month ago, except half of it's missing, but it tells all 'bout those scientists that we "borrowed", and as for finding a document like simply telling what the manhattan project was in like a few pages, no that's way too much to ask for, but we can give you all of these formerly top secret documents and articles talking 'bout all this stuff. and mentioning stuff that bohr and einstein did, and how they talked, and how he yelled at his wife on his back porch, yada yada. anyways. . yea. . that would be meh life right there. . in a bottle. better than the one i wrote fer spanish, nu?. . yea. . you know it is.
*okie so i broke down and decided to use an lj cut. . just 'cause this thing's gotta be pretty long, and i dun want all of yuu guys killing meh, s'ankies akamai!* teehee