who knows where, who goes there

Jan 09, 2008 16:05

I stole this meme from
liviabivia. Basicall y, you write ten different comments for ten people on your F-list but keep the people's identity a secret. You guys can speculate but I am not going to tell you which one you are (but I will tell you if you're on the list at all.)
Here goes.

1. I didn't honestly think you'd be a good writer 'till I read your SA fic- wow! It was just so descriptive and well-written. It made me feel intelligent, instead of guilty, like most fic does. But then I read some of your Rent stuff and it sucked. So what does that mean?
2. I love reading your journal (and I try to do it often) because I can relate to you. You're really nice and we've known each other a while. You probably think I'm stalking you and I purposefully don't let you know my age so you can continue thinking that. By the way, I admire your resolve to one fandom. I'm pretty sure I gave you away.
3. Your journal is funny and entertaining and you always respond to comments within minutes, I'd like it if you gave me a comment now and then. I mean, I'm a fellow Canadalander!
4. You're also a Canadalander and we get along well (and have pretty much the exact same interests.) I love your layout and I want to get to know you better.
5. I love the encouraging comments you give me and you're really nice, but why is your journal 18+ locked? It's a little weird when it's every single one of your entries.
6. You're pretty much stalking me and you've commented on pretty much every single one of my entries. You're really cool and i love your choice of icons. I used to think you made them yourself.
7. We had stuff in common when we added each other but we don't anymore. You're one of those people who "binge and purge" on friends and I hate that. I think we won't stay friends for much longer.
8. Your journal is pretty much a Broadway fan's playground. I love your memes and macros. I should comment more.
9. You complete my lesbian!f-list. One of the people I've listed previously is pretty much the only straight person I have.  I love your layout, but I don't read your journal that much.
10. You have so much taste when it comes to Broadway shows. You make me feel unsophisticated. Reading your journal tells me how far I have to go. I wish you would read my journal a little more, though.

meme, f-list, friends

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