they paved paradise and put up a parking lot

Aug 31, 2009 13:00

In my October 6, 2008 meme, I took a list of the "100 Best Books" and bolded the ones I had read, underlined the ones I had read and loved, and italicized the ones I had planned to read. I went through the list today-- nearly a year later, but not quite-- and recognized the following changes that would have to be made to the list now:

-I wrote that I "hated Romeo and Juliet," which is absolutely no longer true. I love Romeo and Juliet have memorized large parts of it, as a result of doing sets, costumes, props and various other jobs for the play this past June. Shakespeare is hard to get into, but you really have to see it performed to get it. I've since read A Midsummer Night's Dream and this year, we're going to do Julius Caesar for the end of the year.

-I have since read (and loved) Pride and Prejudice.

-I wrote that I "hated The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time." Again, absolutely not true. When I first read the book, I didn't really "get it"-- but having reread it, I've discovered that it's definitely one of my favourite books. Again, I've memorized certain parts. I adore the character of Christopher (who detests the colour yellow) and I only wish it could be new for me again.

-I have since read parts of The Catcher In The Rye (and am well aware of the plot/themes, having studied it in English class), Emma, Animal Farm and Atonement. I'm terrible about not finishing books. I love Atonement and want to finish it.

jane austen, the curious incident of the dog in the n, the catcher in the rye, shakespeare, reading, atonement, meme, george orwell, books, romeo and juliet, pride and prejudice

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