Aug 13, 2019 20:21
Your issue is that you believe you were chosen,
I wonder if you will ever know the truth,
You may go your entire life never knowing you are being lied to,
You will subject yourselves to the horrors of this world,
You will play part in it's demise and never understand what you have done,
You think death gives you freedom,
You believe it's the end and that all of your sins will be forgiven,
They've taught you this, When you wake up again and the worlds on fire,
When you are the infants screams in the infirmary,
When you realize it's too late, what then will you think?
Will this lie echo in your brain again as you go by unaware this is a repeat episode?
I wonder these things idly in the middle of the night,
They keep me awake, because I am aware,
I can see the flow, I know what it means to me,
I've heard the words of God Echoed down by the preacher,
I've known their falsity as it is, I've seen their blood feud from the start,
I know where it leads, Oppression, Emptiness,
The hunt for God, The fools Gold of Religious Theory,
We seek truth through a spirit yet ourselves refuse to believe in spirits,
We hunt for validation through our own constant torture,
We ignore the words bound within the pages and seek our own wealth,
The wealth of ignorance is vast among us all.
We've witnessed rebirth and followed it's tracks to the past,
We've dug up the tombs of our forgotten family to extract relevance for ourselves,
And by doing so we've forged a path to our inevitable destruction,
If you pilfer yourself over and over again you end up with nothing,
This emptiness is so evident in how we live life,
Constantly degrading others because they are different,
Waging wars against our own family from other nations
All because we cannot reconcile their importance in our own world,
We understand them as less of a person, They are not clean,
They are all criminals and rapist,
This is what we have designated them as,
This is a racist trope used from the start of our nation until now,
How are you still blind to this?
I've written this in a confusing way, I've lost interest in beating around the bush,
I have no time to be coy with structures to confuse you it's time for honesty,
We are of flesh and all flesh is one flesh,
We do not have differences, We are all part of the same dysfunctional family,
We may have different colours and different religions,
We may speak in different tongues, This may be true,
However, it does not change that you are all the same,
Someone told you that white means power,
They lied to you, We all have the same power and worth,
The only difference is some of you like to imagine you are more intelligent,
Don't fool yourself that's just the racism talking.
I see the truth in every one of you,
I see the beauty in every one of you,
I see the perfection in every one of you,
Even when you cannot,
There is only a lack of knowledge this can be repaired,
We have to stand above the lies we've been fed,
We have to tear down our idols and understand them for what they are,
The word of mankind is but a lie and cannot be trusted,
I will trust the word of God when he himself speaks it to me,
I will not put my faith in the word of man.
You have lied, You have destroyed our purity,
You have infected our ranks with racism and hatred,
You have oppressed and buried the truth of our lineage,
This cannot be forgiven, You have betrayed ever single trust afforded to you,
How can we foolishly still follow blindly,
This is the human condition,
We have failed each other,
This is proved in the poverty around us,
You preach of homelessness and hunger in other countries,
You spread your word of God to their ears,
Yet you ignore you own brother and sisters outside your front door.
These are the failures of mankind,
These are the truths you ignore,
I walk surrounded by the tallest sky scrapers,
I witness men and women in suits and ties,
I see them scoff at the homeless vagrants,
The drug addicted and forgotten society living on their city streets,
I witness them ignore the fallen,
And you are whom I should put my faith in?
You have our best interest at heart?
We have failed.