
Sep 06, 2006 23:00

You are 64% Missouri

So you know more then most about Missouri, you should be proud of yourself! Although if this was an actual test, you would have failed...

How Missouri are you?
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You have 66% Iowa in you!

Alright, so more than half of you is from Iowa. Perhaps you grew up there and moved away or just moved to the state. Either way, you've got some ties to the Hawkeye State.

Do you have Iowa in you?

You are 42% native to New York State.

You are a Sex In The City addict and have probably looked at a map of NY out of curiosity to checked things out.

Are you A New Yorker?... not city.
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How Illinois are you?
Your Result: Total Illinois

You are from Illinois. You have lived here most of your life, haven't you? Nice place to live isn't it? Alhto I could be wrong...you could be a good guesser... Did you enjoy this quiz?
Sort of Illinois

Kind of Illinois

Somewhat Illinois

Not Illinois

How Illinois are you?

*LoL* I never lived in Illinois, but I'm hoping to relocate to Chicago someday with Réjean. Looks like I'll fit right in.
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