World Peace...

Jun 23, 2005 20:27

World Peace
World peace is a strange idea. If you read any further then what you are reading now you would know I am probably more cynical and angry then the average small town, but I still have my ideas about what is wrong with this world. I think there are two things that are lacking in this world. One is empathy and the other is forethought. If people would stop and think, just for one fucking second about what its like to starve to death or to die of AIDs then maybe it might seem more reasonable to spend 50 billion fucking dollars(that’s 1/3 of the defense budget)on food. I'm not fucking Bono, but it seems pretty reasonable to me to feed the starving motherfuckers out there then to build 50 new stealth bombers to bomb countries with no air force. All I am saying it that the money could go better places where its need more. How about putting some money in the education system. Maybe instead of a prison it could be somewhere kids want to be. Maybe a young man in Harlem could cure fucking AIDs or cancer instead of dropping out, holding up a liquor store, and living off tax dollars in a federal fucking prison. Isn't that a nice thought? Maybe the amount of fucked up kids in this world would go down if school was motivating and not a shit factory. As far as forethought is concerned, let me say that if the CEO's of the fortune 500 would look at their own fucking grand children and say "Hey, I give two shits and a fuck about the world you will live in" we might have a more pleasant reality. Instead of shitting on the water system, shooting bullshit into the fucking sky making a hole that would make Pamela Anderson blush, and killing off everything else in the world; maybe we could...oh I don't know, un fuck all these problems? Maybe the same geniuses who make a better bomb could fix this shit? Maybe cars that run off shit that will exist on earth in more then 10 years? Come on, throw me a fucking bone here. I mean, its not like they're doing little things wrong here. They are fucking up completely. They are doing no fucking good. One of there fat, lecherous fuck heads is actually our VICE FUCKING PRESIDENT! Can you believe that? A man who know two things about government(those being jack and shit)is the second in fucking command? What experience did Cheney have before becoming vice president? NONE! He was the CEO of fucking Halliburton(Oh and if the thought even crossed your mind, I think Michael Moore can eat shit and fucking die), and that’s all! I mean, what in the fuck? Do people even care any more? In almost all photos I have seen the man is striking the same poses as Darth Vader in Return of the motherfucking JEDI! If you didn't see that movie, let me tell you Darth Vader was FUCKING EVIL! Cheney has a little black heart that skips beats every now and again, and is still allowed to be in office. Even the fucking Vatican doesn't smile on people with heart conditions! FUCK!!! But, I digress. World peace is a wonderful idea. No world hunger would be great. Everyone holding hands and dancing in the fucking rainbow would be out fucking standing. But, here’s where I differ from hippies. Hippies are idealists. They believe all that shit is not only a good idea, but if you smoke enough pot it might actually come true. As if you could fucking miracle this shit into existence. BULLSHIT! I know for a fact that it never will. I love the idea of world peace. I would give my left ass cheek for everyone to love each other and everyone to be happy. I wish we could all just share everything and everyone would be happy, but then again that makes me a fucking communist so I had better not say anymore about it. Anyway, that’s it. I am no idealist. I know this world was a shitty place run by dick heads with a lust for nothing but power when I was born, and it will be the same when my heart explodes in my fucking chest from the seething hatred that pumps through my veins on a daily fucking basis. So all I am saying is, its a great dream. That’s all it is. A fucking dream.
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