Haley had been trying to organize a 'Welcome to Spring!' party for a few weeks now. When Sam had told her she just wanted a convenient reason to throw a party, she hadn't denied it but she'd still said she was going to use his house. And Sam, being the oh so dutiful brother, had let her. The party was tonight and Haley had commandeered James,
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Or something. It wasn't like Nathan didn't have second thoughts when he got to Sam's house and stopped at the edge of the lawn. He could see the decorating going on and instantly felt wary. He'd been at this house a lot, not even too long ago, but he already felt like he was intruding somehow.
Turning back and going away suddenly seemed like a very real option.
"Hiya," she said, carrying a tablecloth under one arm. "You a friend of Sam's I haven't met?"
Well, he did have those friends from the school he'd gone to and all. She knew she didn't know everyone.
For a second, Nathan wasn't really sure what to say. She was used to weird things by now, he knew, but this was a little... out there, even for Seattle.
"Yeah," he settled on, with a very brief flicker of a lopsided smile, there one second then gone the next. "In a manner of speaking."
Haley cared not about the weird stuff. She wanted her party.
At least he didn't drop the tablecloth or anything dumb like that.
"What's the occasion?"
Haley glanced away at something and frowned. "Ramon, stop eating the food!"
And then she was off on a mission to stop Ramon from eating everything before the party started.
He shook his head before making his way towards the half pipe, tablecloth still in his hands.
When Sam noticed what Taco was doing, he peered down. "Hey," he said, nodding. "Here for the party?"
Maybe he was Frank's friend? Or Ramon?
"You're a friend of Haley's?" he asked since he'd made a mention of decorations and all.
As seemed to be Haley's way in making a party happen. The tablecloth got folded over his arm as he hesitated for a second. "I'm a friend of yours, actually," he said after that second had passed. "You know Natalie, right?"
He tapped a few fingertips against the center of his chest as a way of indicating himself. "Nathan," he said. "Nathan Adams, specifically. It's a Fandom thing. Multiverse slotted me into the wrong universe."
"I really don't know."
That came out very mild. It wasn't so much that he didn't care, but... Well. Maybe he didn't. He just wanted things back to normal.
"So, guess that means you know me?" And Sam didn't remember him which was strange.
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