My letter for the TabAppreciation Project

Oct 11, 2010 23:20

So, I finally sent it and decided to share it here to see what you think about it. I didn't want it to be this long but also didn't want to leave anything out. I hope it turned out okay.

Dear Tabrett,

First of all, congratulations for winning the Best Actress Award! I'm sure it's only the beginning, you have a bright future ahead of you.

Last year you said in an interview that your aim is to captivate an audience, even only for a second. I think this fan project proves that you've succeeded, you have many fans all over the world. You turned an already good show into a great one, you shook things up as Cara and made the show much more fun.
Thanks to the writers, but most of all to you, Cara became my number one favourite character.

I can honestly say that you are one of the best actresses I have ever seen, and I'm not exeggarating. Your performance in a couple of episodes, Broken, Perdition, Hunger, Princess, Desecrated, Extinction and Eternity, and I think especially in this last one, was definitely Emmy Award material. But you were great in every episode, your reaction shots in the background are pure gold, your facial expressions are hilarious, but that powerful performance in Eternity takes the crown, I think. And what really gets to me is that during most of the episode, you had to rely on your eyes to show what Cara was feeling and thinking. I know that saying the eyes are the mirrors of the soul is a cliché but in your case it's really true. I've seen tons of films and tv shows, so I know many actors and actresses but I think only a few have this rare gift that you posess. Because when I look at you, I see the character, not the actress playing a character, it's like you really turn into Cara on screen. And when I look into your eyes, I can clearly see what Cara thinks and feels at that moment.
And in Eternity it really struck me how much you can say with your eyes alone. Cara's dilemma when Dahlia showed up, the conflicting emotions when she was first alone with her, the heartbreak when Darken Rahl revealed that her son was killed... When I first saw the episode I couldn't react, it was too much to take in, one of the best episodes in the whole series, well, at least Cara's storyline. Then I could barely make myself watch it again because I knew that the second time I wouldn't be able to hold back my emotions and it was almost painful for me to watch the torture scenes. But some hours laters I finally sat down to watch Eternity again, and although I'm really not the crying type, I don't even remember when was the last time I really cried, especially while watching a film or tv show, but this episode just broke me. I was on the edge for quite a while but finally when Cara laughed in Darken Rahl's face the rush of emotions was just too much and I cried my eyes out. A 26 years old guy, sobbing like a kid... And then that scream a bit later was the scariest and most painful scream I've ever heard.

There was also another important thing about this episode. Cara's relationship with Dahlia. You and Laura made it feel like it was real. It could've easily turned out to be a cheap grab at ratings but the backstory was there and you two took it to another level. I read many glowing comments from bisexual fans, praising you and the writers for this episode.

I hope you won't dismiss what I wrote as ramblings of a fan, this is truly what I think, I have a huge amount of respect for you. I have a blog where I post every bit of information I can find about your films and updates about Legend of the Seeker as well, and I'm also trying to help with the promotion of Anyone You Want and The Clinic. Although I received some really nice response, I want to do more, to help you and your films. I haven't done anything like this before. But your incredible talent and wonderful personality turned me into a fan (I don't like this word too much but I don't have a better one for it), and if you don't mind me saying so, your breathtaking beauty as well.

Don't know if the others mentioned it but many people would love to see you online on Twitter or Facebook for example. I know that you are a very private person but I'm sure everybody would understand if you said that you will only post professional updates, like where you'll appear next time, what new projects are you working on, things like that. We would all really appreciate that, but we also understand if you don't want to do it.
While I was writing this Charisma Carpenter sent a very nice tweet about you, saying that she thinks of you often, promotes you whenever she can and wishes the best for you. :)

Finally, I'd like to wish you all the best as well in your personal life and professional career!

William from Hungary
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