Suggestions for any of you with money to spend...

Nov 23, 2011 13:02

1. Check out this online bookstore. And this Paperback Swap bookshelf, while you're at it.

2. Speaking of books, if anyone's looking to hire a good copy editor, you can reach one at I may actually make use of that myself, one of these days. Hmmmm.

3. Kimagine's Etsy shop is full of pretty things. She makes these broken-china pieces that are just gorgeous.

4. I am still looking for people to write things for me, if you feel like Mina-ing on commission.

And I'm still taking suggestions for things/services/etc. to promote. Just comment on the previous post.

This entry was originally posted at If you have a DW account, please add me there as well.

micro-economics, goods, services

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