Art meme sans art

Jul 03, 2008 10:20

I'd fill the page with doodles
Till my fingers turned to noodles
Oh, if only I could draw...

OC Art Meme by Misuteru

Choose ten of your OCs. If you don't have ten then fill in the empty slots with cool people.

1. Schala
2. Aura
3. Kaze
4. Kokoro
5. Ryan
6. Donnie
7. Nini
8. Sapphira
9. Yaaaaaaaamcha!
10. Dianne

Four (Kokoro) invites three (Kaze) and eight (Sapphira) to dinner at their house. What happens?

KAZE: Hey, hey, hey! Who wants a mojito?

SAPPHIRA: *brandishing her crystal ball at kokoro* Hellooooo, dear! I foresee great suffering in your future! Well, well!

KOKORO: *sighs*

Nine (Yamcha) tries to get five (Ryan) to go to a strip club.

YAMCHA: Howdy there, blue missy! Hows about you and me moseyin' on down to the gentlemen's club? Ooooh-whee! Best hot wings this side of the Mississippi!

RYAN: ...Wow. And people say I don't make any sense.

You need to stay at a friend's house for a night. Who do you choose, one (Schala) or six (Donnie)?

ALI: Uh, let's see. Do I want to spend the evening hearing what a lazy, irresponsible deadbeat I am or do I want to spend it watching X-Files reruns? Yeah, definitely Donnie.

Two (Aura) and seven (Nini) are making out. Ten (Dianne) walks in. What is their reaction?

NINI: No, no, no! That's just...ew! No!

AURA: Is making out anything like hanging out? 'Cause I'm all for that! We could go visit Necro or something!

DIANNE: *snaps her gum* ...Whatever.

Three (Kaze) falls in love with six (Donnie). Eight (Sapphira) is jealous. What happens?

KAZE: *laughs* Sorry champ, ain't gonna happen.

DONNIE: *mutters* If I had a quid for every time I heard that...

SAPPHIRA: *waves her crystal ball at donnie* I sense much rejection and misery in your future, dear! Best to know about it now, yes?

Four (Kokoro) jumps you in a dark alley. Who comes to your rescue -- ten (Dianne), two (Aura), or seven (Nini)?

KOKORO: Oh hi, Ali. Are you done with my Gin Blossoms CD yet? Because if you are, I'd really like it b--

AURA: *appears from nowhere* RAH! It's ninja time! *tackles kokoro to the ground*

ALI: *stares down at them* Well, I'd follow you down...but not that far. Ha ha! Ha... *glances around and adds to no one in particular* It's from a Gin Blossoms song.

One (Schala) decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?

SCHALA: And that's how you prepare the "Nini Is a Sanctimonious Prat" pasta salad. Next up, the "All Necromancers Should Be Launched Into the Nearest Black Hole" garden minestrone.

NINI: *yells from off-camera* Why you insubordinate little-- *censor beep*

Three (Kaze) has to marry either eight (Sapphira), four (Kokoro), or nine (Yamcha). Who do they choose?

KAZE: Oh, no question. Kokoro.

KOKORO: *blushes* W-what?!

KAZE: *grins* Just kidding, babe. Actually, Yamcha seems like a lot of fun. And I do love grits and hushpuppies. *winks*

Seven (Nini) kidnaps two (Aura) and demands something from five (Ryan) for two's (Aura's) release. What is it?

NINI: Two words: Sai's head.

AURA: And a Toblerone!

NINI: Yes, and a Toblerone.

RYAN: Do you mind? I'm trying to hot-wire an elevator here.


Everyone gangs up on three (Kaze). Does three (Kaze) have a chance in hell?

ALI: *points at kaze* There she is! Get her! *charges forward with the others*

KAZE: *calmly clears her throat* Ahem. Edible panties.

*everyone immediately stops and a confused, awkward silence settles over the room*

KAZE: *grins* Game, set, match.

Everyone is invited to two (Aura) and ten's (Dianne) wedding except for eight (Sapphira). How do they react?

SAPPHIRA: *shouting from the back pew* Excuse me, dears! It appears that you forgot to send my invitation! An honest mistake, I am sure! Now, before you continue with the nuptials, perhaps you'd like to hear about the tragic misfortune that will soon beset you both!

KOKORO: *glances down at her neon orange bridesmaid dress, then at biji, who is acting as minister* Suddenly Blaire/Aura doesn't seem quite so disturbing...

DIANNE: *snaps her gum disdainfully* God, you people are beyond weird.

Why is six (Donnie) afraid of seven (Nini)?

NINI: Drink this tea, damn it! *grabs donnie by the collar and jabs at his mouth with a teacup*

DONNIE: *struggles to get away, looking quite terrified* What the hell?! Get off me, you crazy b--!

One (Schala) arrives late for two (Aura) and ten's (Dianne's) wedding. What happens and why were they late?

SCHALA: *walks in* Sorry I'm late. I didn't realize we were taking the joke this far.

AURA: *standing behind the podium and banging her bouquet against it* Order, order! Bail is set at three trillion dollars! *grins at everyone* I watched a Law & Order marathon last night!

DIANNE: *talking on her cell phone to someone, presumably her sister lianne* Yeah. I'm at some stupid fake wedding thing. I know. I know. Well, if it's so important, kill him yourself! God!

Five (Ryan) and nine (Yamcha) get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?

YAMCHA: Yee-haw! There's a yellow rose of Texas...that I am gonna see! *whoops and waves a firebrand around, knocking random objects to the floor*

RYAN: *slurring her words slightly* Hey, Ali. Ali. Hey, Ali. I...I cook apart Taret. I mean...took apart Caret. Is that okay?

ALI: *crying in frustration* Why won't you leave?!

Nine (Yamcha) murders two's (Aura's) best friend. What does two (Aura) do to get back at them?

YAMCHA: *around a mouthful of...something* Oooh-whee! This is the best rabbit I ever done tasted! And just look at all that meat! I'll be feastin' on this critter for weeks!

AURA: BIJI! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! *runs at yamcha and brains him with her oversized sword*

YAMCHA: Tarnations! I be undone, y'all!

Six (Donnie) and one (Schala) are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does six (Schala) save themselves or one (Donnie)?

ALI: Hey guys! Who wants to help me rewrite Aura's Possession?

SCHALA: Sorry, Donnie. Nothing personal. *opens a portal and vanishes into it*

DONNIE: B-but! *sighs*

Eight (Sapphira) and three (Kaze) go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?

SAPPHIRA: I predict great hunger in our future, d--

KAZE: *in cat form, munching on a shrew* Geez, do you ever stop?

Five (Ryan) is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does nine (Yamcha) do?

YAMCHA: Howdy, little missy! Have I got a git-well gift for you! Half-off coupons for my fine establishment, Yamcha's Bar & Grill! That's right, the Yamcha's Bar & Grill! We've got the best grits and hushpuppies this side of the Mississippi! Now you feel better now, ya' hear? *leaves*

RYAN: *thinking to herself, as she is too injured to talk aloud* ...What the frack is a hushpuppy?
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