If I went to Hogwarts...

Nov 27, 2007 21:54

...I'd spend all seven years trying to break the anti-technology spell on the castle.

My Hogwarts Profile
House: Ravenclaw, probably
Wand (wood type, length, core, quality when waved): Dogwood, 12 inches, whisker from a Cait Sidhe, slightly flexible
Patronus: Ocelot. Or maybe a manta ray.
Animagus form: Tree frog
Blood status (pureblood, half-blood, muggle-born, etc): Half-blood
Greatest fear (i.e., the shape a boggart would take in front of you): A splicer from Rapture. *shudders*
Best subject: Ancient Runes and Charms
Worst subject: History of Magic. Although I can just see BeBe and mine's science luck carrying over to Potions.
Quidditch position: Spectator
Amortentia scents (minimum of three): Lemon, burning wood, that crisp smell the air has after a heavy shower
Favorite magical candy: Pepper Imps
Profession after Hogwarts: Co-owner of "Army of Magical T-Shirts" ^_^
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