Quote Contest!

Dec 14, 2006 15:25

On behalf of the Insane Scenario Commissioner's Office, it is my pleasure to introduce the first and perhaps last annual Holiday Quote Contest. Do you has what it takes to be the Quote King? Well, this is your chance to prove it!

Here's how it works. Behind the LJ-cut are ten quotes. Each quote is worth two points: one for correctly identifying the speaker and one for correctly identifying the movie/TV show it's from. There are no penalties for wrong answers, so even if you're not sure, it's to your advantage to guess. Once you've mulled over the quotes for a bit, email your best answers to the IS Commissioner (i.e., me). And remember: this is a test of your quote recognition skills, so no googling or comparing notes or anything like that. Cheaters never win and winners don't use drugs.

In two weeks, I'll post the answers and announce who won. And guess what! There's even a prize! The lucky winner will receive a lovely goodie bag chock full of holiday sweets and treats. So get your quote on, people!

"There's no beef in this."

"It walked on my pillow!"

"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

"Your DNA must cry itself to sleep at night."

"I don't feel drunk..."

"'When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.' The benefits of a classical education."

"Ed, kill the Queen!"

"Big buttery moon up there...sidewalk kinda looks like ice cream if you squint real hard..."

"You must be double-jointed. And you must be Hungarian."

"Lou, give me a milk. Chocolate."
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