Steppin' on down!

Apr 01, 2006 00:37

Once upon a time, a banshee challenged a Saiyan warrior to a now-legendary handicap match. The warrior, never one to miss a chance to beat up fellow cast members, accepted the challenge, and the two prepared for battle. But alas, there was a problem; before the fight could take place, a fair and impartial party was needed to act as officiator. Luckily for all, a noble necromancer stepped forward and sanctioned the match, thus becoming the first ever...Insane Scenario Commissioner!

A lot has happened since those early, carefree days back in 2000. No longer a mere delegate of the occasional wrestling match, the Office of the Commissioner has matured into a full-fledged administrative position and now handles everything from archival of scenarios to management and operation of projects. In fact, the commish is really the life-blood of IS, working diligently behind the scenes to ensure that every cast member, every inside joke, every harebrained shenanigan achieves his, her, or its maximum potential. I am, quite frankly, the unsung hero of the scenarios. *stands tall in front of the IS flag as a triumphant fanfare plays*

But! *the fanfare falters and stops* As much as I love the paperwork and the responsibility and the nifty Necromish badge, I'm starting to feel a bit...shall we say...burnt out. After all, commissionary duties have occupied most of my time and energy for six years now, and I think it's high time I moved on and started a new chapter in my life. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to leave the scenarios or anything. I just want to focus on some more personal goals -- maybe take a vacation, get caught up on my NONN assignments, work on my Christmas album and my series of self-help books... And it's become abundantly clear over the past half-dozen years that these things are never going to happen while I'm IS Commissioner. Which brings me to the true purpose of this post...

Before I can retire, I need to make sure that the scenarios are well provided for in terms of leadership. And so as my last official act as Insane Scenario Commissioner, I will pass the proverbial torch and choose an heir to my metaphorical throne. If you feel like you have the decision-making prowess, the organizational skills, and the sheer gumption to make it as commissioner, send me an application and an essay of 500 words or less on why you deserve to be my successor. But be warned -- this position is highly demanding and completely thankless. You will put in long, grueling hours doing nitpicky tasks, and you will receive little or no respect in return. If you're still interested, however, you can find the logistics for the application and essay behind the LJ cut.

If you have any questions, you know where to reach me. And to those applying...good luck and may the best candidate win.

-Nini, Noble Necromancer

You didn't actually think I'd give up my commissionership, did you? It may be a crap job, but it's my crap job, and it'll be a cold day in Shapeir before I let some unnoble pinhead undo six years of blood, sweat, and tears. Vive la 'Mish, yo! Represent!
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