Jul 18, 2009 12:01
My tummy is getting much better now! Still get the odd pain here and there but nothing too bad :) so glad I can eat normally again - never want to see dry toast or crackers ever again lol back to my lovely salmon and rice :D
I have made a decision that may shock, but I have decided to leave modelling, I may pick it back up again one day.....but not in the foreseeable future. There is no tragic story behind it, more simply I have evolved, changed. I still miss my grandmother a hell of a lot, its coming up to a year since she died and I've realised I am different, something of me went with her. Not in a doom/gloom way - more I feel calmer, and no longer need to be seeing different things at a million miles an hour to be happy. I am grateful for small things in life, and have took much more pleasure in being with my daughter or friends than running around catching trains etc.
I have had a wonderful time modelling, and I'm going to honour the last 3 shoots I had booked for clothing companies but thats it! :) I want more time to sing with Divine Oblivion - singing is the only time I truly let go, truly escape into a different realm......Necromantis is fading, my sexual deviant alter ego is being taken over by someone much more important....myself. Law. The person I am to my friends and family. If I have learnt anything these past few years its this - I am not a piece of flesh in front of a camera lens. I am not a glamourous aspirational figure. I am not a number. I am more than that, I am a person.
Onwards! :D