[ life | I love me john williams in the morning! ]

Oct 18, 2006 11:01

You know what one of the best wake up calls is? The Star Wars main titles being played on ABC classical (it’s what the radio’s tuned to on the way into work) - it’s such a nice pick me up and it wakes you up, too!

I think I might need it as my alarm - psuedoskribe, know of anywhere we can get it? It really does work, and Rufus’ theme is starting to give me nightmares. I don’t like it when one of my favourite ditties becomes a harbinger of doom… I do so hate getting up in the morning...

Haven’t been doing much, been feeling too ill recently. I think it’s the change in weather and the increase in airborne stuffs that screw up my sinuses and give me headaches. Last few days have been mostly: take lots of painkillers and edit more essays - none of them mine. There’s something cathartic about editing essays when you have none of your own to hand in. Or maybe I’m just strange… yeah, that’s probably it.

The parents and I went to David Suzuki’s public lecture last night here at the university. K had too much coursework and stayed in the library through the whole lecture, which, if memory serves me right means she was in the library all day yesterday…! Some people are so dedicated.

The lecture was very, very good. It’s so refreshing attending a lecture presented by someone who’s actually a good public speaker, especially after five and a half years of lectures...! He was talking about his autobiography which came out earlier this year, so the lecture was basically him telling us anecdotes - and man does he have a lot! - about his life from childhood to the present with photographic and movie accompaniment. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen David Suzuki as a hippie!

It was advertised as being one hour long, but when we got there the first announcer said it’d run for about an hour and a half which was oddly enough fine. He’s more of a storyteller than a lecturer, and I’ve always loved a good yarn. Parents bought the book; I’ll read it later.


With site stuff: I usually get the urge to work on site stuff at work or when I’m in the shower… or in bed trying to sleep, y’know, basically times when it’s not particularly practical to be working on a computer, but am severely restricted with my computer at work - everything I need is on my laptop at home! And can you believe, there’s no Winzip on this computer? One of the basics of life, and this comp doesn’t have it…! I can't check anything anyone's sent me cos I don't have WinZip...!

Hm… I told myself I’d get some formatting done today at work… I might just get started on that…

star wars, life, books, site related

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