Let's hear it for the holidays! Spent all of yesterday playing the first Devil May Cry game and proved to myself that yes, it is possible to finish a DMC game in one day. The second one took, oh, six months plus? Because I just couldn't work up the enthusiasm to play. I think DMC3 took a few days, but then I've replayed that one so many times it's all blurred together.
That's right, its taken 5 years since it was first released for me to play DMC1! In the beginning it was just too expensive (not having a job is just a constraint), and by the time I did get around to trying to buy the game they'd stopped printing it. It took me over a year to hunt down a second hand copy at EB, and then it was cheap; I loved sales. Picked up The Bouncer at the same time for something like $15 - that's Australian dollars, people. In Australia that's dirt cheap. K and I found The Bouncer pretty boring, though - at the very least they should have health-replenishy items lying around!
Being the anal retentive person I am when it comes to these sorts of games, there are quite a few things I still need to unlock before I've completely finished the game. Like all the difficulty modes (though I don't think I'll bother with all of them), and somehow I managed to miss all the secret missions. I kept looking for them, but couldn't find them anywhere. Next run through will be with a walkthru at my side.
I also restarted FF7 a week ago, because I didn't want to think about job interviews anymore and it's always nice and comforting to play something familiar. I still love this game, even though it's almost ten years old - where does the time go? Trying to play it this time with a party I don't normally take, which means no Cid or Vincent (darn). I'm keeping Barret on the time whenever I can, just because I never have before and I have a sudden interest in Barret/Cloud. I don't even know who to blame for that one. Btw,
dentedsky I replied to the comment in your LJ on that one - are you serious about the fic ideas 'cos I just might take you up on that :)
Oh, and
psuedoskribe finally started playing a game: KH2. I swear, she's only playing it for the gummi missions...
Other than that, life's been as uneventful as possible. It's been job interviews for the last two weeks ( so sick of them - why can't someone just give me a permanent job?), and the last one so far was on Tuesday. So now I'm on official holiday :) Today I'm at work for the first time in about two weeks; it feels very strange and I'm so out of the 'customer service' mode. Thankfully, I've been pretty coherent so far; you should've seen me on my last shift, garbled noises everywhere.
And finally: see
bob_ette? There really wasn't anything interesting to report - if I keep posting it'll keep being the same rambling uselessness. For instance, this: Pirates comes out today! Dunno if I'll see it...!
You know what? It's just occurred to me: I'll probably never use the academia tag again :O