Dec 22, 2011 05:40
- Ср, 18:57: #FactsAboutMe I keep smelling the roses @ SirStompsalot got me like a total creep. Hahaha
- Ср, 18:58: #FactsAboutMe When the sun starts disappearing behind the big building across from us, I think of I Am Legend and night time.
- Ср, 19:18: I always know that my evil time of the month is going to happen soon when I feel tired & edgy just by being awake. Hahaha. #WomanlyWoes
- Ср, 19:22: I'm making cookies for breakfast. Because...because shut up that's why. #ImAnAdultNow ...I think.
- Ср, 19:25: Also, I made totally badass steaks for us the other day. *nods*
- Ср, 19:34: @ SirStompsalot and I are making a snowman! Heeheehee
- Ср, 19:40: I'm watching Spongebob Squarepants while eating cookies. Yep. The vanilla soy milk is the grown up part of my breakfast.
- Ср, 19:46: Daily Photo Inspiration: 12/21/11
- Ср, 20:11: Daily Photo: 12/21/11
- Ср, 20:13: Photo:
- Ср, 20:20:
- Ср, 20:27: #EmbarassingNerdyFactsAboutMe I've never actually made it to 1 Million NP on Neopets before. But i'm getting close!
- Ср, 21:37: Repeat this out loud: "I am awesome." Because yes, yes you are. :) <3
- Ср, 21:40: Also, have a great Solstice everyone! n_n In other news, do I want mint tea or hot chocolate? ...Tough call.
- Ср, 21:44: RT @ SirStompsalot: RT @ RealTaIk: True love isn't Romeo and Juliet who died together. It's Grandma and Grandpa who grew old together.
- Ср, 21:54: Adorable. <3
- Ср, 22:01: Photo: LOVE this photo. officialrivimadison:
- Ср, 22:01: Photo: I also wish this. laugh-addict:
- Ср, 22:02: Photo: I want all of these rings.
- Чт, 00:13: Photo: officialrivimadison:
- Чт, 00:23: RT @ missdjm: Of course the world's strongest vagina is Russian and can lift 33lbs. What else would it do? #Showoff
- Чт, 00:56: RT @ gameinformer: Skyrim Conspiracy Theory: Insects Point Toward Armageddon
- Чт, 01:21: 2nd Platinum Trophy. Yay! #Skyrim #PS3
- Чт, 01:22: Annnddd... #Skyrim is done. Trophy wise and such. And I beat the game twice. >_>; Alduin you suck.
- Чт, 02:17: Photo: Introduction? Hrm. I’m 22. I like food. And cats. And puppies. And Pokemon. I drink a lot of tea and...
- Чт, 04:56: I got to open my Christmas present early! I won't tell you what it is but Ocarina of Time looks goddamn amazing redone. 3D and such...Hehe!
- Чт, 05:06: @ SirStompsalot is the best Master, boyfriend, best friend, NPC ever! *big dumb grin* I love you SO much. <4
- Чт, 05:23: Lookit my fancy, shiny, new 3DS! :D *squee*
- Чт, 05:31: This was my other night. <3 Candles, lavender & vanilla Epsom salts and rose petals. n_n
- Чт, 06:31: Si I was playing #OcarinaofTime on my new #3DS and forgot to save and lost the past 2 hours. xD #Derp