Stealing a quiz. I love it.

Dec 13, 2004 20:27

So, the elusive Ben Horn comes back on only to steal another survey. Bwahahahahahahaha! Aren't I a stinker?

TEN Random Things About Me :O
10. I like RPGs
9. Attention makes me happy
8. I like going to see movies
7. When I like something/someone, I defend it/them fiercly
6. I like Friends! (the TV show)
5. I like friends! (the real kind)
4. I like cartoons
3. Irony follows me around
2. I dislike, but respect Sony
1. I like college

NINE Places I've Visited
9. Canada
8. Tennesse
7. Florida
6. the Beach
5. Disney World
4. California
3. Boston
2. Texas
1. can't think of any more

EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
8. come to terms with the past
7. own a delorian
6. put one of my cartoons on tv
5. fall in love again
4. stay in love
3. have kids (in marriage of course)
2. see everyone in my family succeed
1. love myself

SEVEN Ways to win my heart
7. like similar things to me
6. like me for who I am
5. like to be close
4. make me feel wanted
3. explain any sudden behavior changes
2. be yourself
1. let me be myself

SIX Things I believe in
6. Nothing can change who you are
5. ghosts
4. procrastination
3. Family is good
2. Friends are good
1. love is the best and worst thing that can happen to you

FIVE Things I'm afraid of
5. Death
4. Not getting over my past
3. The dark
2. Heights
1. Crowded malls (while I'm alone)

FOUR of my Favorite Items in my room
4. My TV
3. My Gamecube
2. My bed
1. My books

THREE Things I do everyday
3. eat lunch
2. talk to people
1. look horrible when I wake up

TWO Things I am trying not to do right now
2. Think about homework (I don't have any...)
1. Eat, I've done it enough already

ONE Person I want to see right now
1. I can see them whenever I want, but in person would be even better.
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