Jan 18, 2005 00:05
And by that I mean a sandwich bitch! Actually I've eaten waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy too much today thanks to Emily's mom being in town. She took us (us = me and Em) to the Hotcake House this morning and then to Olive Garden tonight. The waiter/server/hospitality dude was really attentive and I suggested to Emily that we should try and get his number (I was able to determine via chit chat that he is probably 28 and he was kinda cute and funny) but she was like, "Nooooo you have a boyfriend."
Emily's mom, "Maybe Eric needs a boyfriend."
Me (laughing to hard due to the beer I was consuming), "Ha ha ha ha ha!"
So no numbers were obtained. My hands smell like lemon because I like to squeeze silly amounts of lemon juice into my beer. 'Cause I like it that way! A pint of beer makes me say things that I shouldn't. Luckily the same thing happens to Emily after 2 glasses of wine.
After dinner Emily went to socialize and I returned home with her mom so that I could 1) take my shoes off and 2) watch Shrek 2. We did both. It was awesome.
Life is returning to some semblance of order. School begins again next week. So I won't be back and forth between Gresham/Miss Penny and Apartment/Reed/Paid employment. Work is ok. A lot of changes have been going on lately. We got a new Assistant Director at the beginning of the calendar year, and now our Director is leaving in a month or so. Things are stressful and confusing. Also once the Director is gone, I will have been working at Reed the longest of anyone in my department. Neat huh? I plan on lying about standards and practices. Because no one will be able to contradict me. Unless they ask someone over in Alumni Relations or something.
I like fundraising. Well I like fundraising when it is for an organization that is doing good and not pure evil. I wouldn't mind staying in Development as a career. But I would prefer to be given an assload of money and not have to work if I didn't want to.
Eric and I have our anniversary on January 29th. 4 years together. He feels like he's always been a part of my life, yet the last 2 years have really just flown by. That's life and love for you, or rather me.
The Nancy returned from California. She claims to have a present for me. Claims...I have yet to see it! *sings* I've seen things, I've seen them with my eyes. I've seen things, they're often in disguise."
Rock on.