"i like the rain, it makes the sun feel better on my skin, otherwise i would just get bored of the heat, but now i can say, well at least it's not raining...i slept in the tent last night...sort of nice and cold, but i was sleeping on a slope so i kept ending up in a ball in a puddle at the bottom of the tent...but it was worth it because i had reception outside so i could chat with you, it would have been nicer if there was a nice smooth body to keep me warm... maybe later i hope you have fun with the juggler and remember, you......are awesome...need i say more?? yes i need worth hours in a car, tanks of gas, neck pain back pain, meeting new people (which i liked, escpecially your mom and sis), you are worth the lost sleep as i lay there thinking about how much fun you ..are so worth it, because you make me happy.
If you're wondering about the juggler, a publication came to do a story on a juggler at the park. It's nothing dirty. And the neck and back pain are from working out-- also not dirty.
And I really wish he didn't use "....." so often and incorrectly.
But besides that?