May 13, 2002 23:06
ey there ppl wat has everyone been up to lately? well i've been working and sitting on line talking to my sis and the person i like so much and she no's who she is muah to ya:) anyway do ya everthink sometimes that life would just stop and u could sort out all the probs that have happend to ya in the past??? in someways that would be good but if u think bout it life has funny ways of telling u something wont work so its decides to ether fuck u over or hurt u realy badly but as something says" if its meant to be then set it free if its meant to be it will come back you'll see".. but if ya just think bout something if it was meant to be then it will comebak but look closely at them if they do come bak cause they may just be desiveing u just hafta go with ur heart and better judgement. i no there is sometimes i just want to stop and give up on everything but i think bout all the shitheads and friends i might meet sometime down the road and all the friends i haf now such as my sis britt,sara,val,and my sweetness mandy and that i would never want to hurt any of them that bad cause i love them to much and i see a future with mandy and i dunt ever want to geperdise that im starting to feel something with her that i felt at one time. so all im saying is think before u act on something cause even if u think noone likes u there is prolly someone that has a seceret crush on u that u might like so just think be for u do anything even before u kiss someone think to ur self well these lips and this person treat me well adn willl they hold me whenim sad and love me when im happy and just love me for everything im worth and take the responsableity to care for me...... well life is many things but someone that cares for u nomater wat is the person that can councore even lifes lil fucked up tests you'll see soon enough or if u haf given up on life and hav died RIP my friend and if ur in hell i'll be seening u soon and for those that r in heaven i just might spare ur lives if u bow before my lord lusifer. well i hope this makes some kind of since if not then well i dunt no u deside ur life not me im just here to help if u need it is all laterz