Oct 23, 2008 11:41
Feeling slightly better.
I particulary enjoy my paranoid obsession with blood poisoning. Every freaking time I hallucinate and have a scabbing wound I become convinced I've contracted blood poisoning. I do like the fact I can see it for the delusion it is afterwards, much like when I start to claim 'the sky is heavy!!!!'
Pushed the boat out, for some reason I thought going into town and shopping would make me better. The excercise kind of did. Geeking out and buying myself one of the awesome Judge Dredd collections, a Rogue Trooper collection and the enormous 'Tori Amos Comicbook Tattoo' (itself only £20) also helped.
I think I might also need to eat properly. My plan for a massive cook off on friday/saturday has been quashed by my housemate being out all weekend. It's a secret of mine that cooking for lots of people is actually one of my favourite things to do. I find it healing. Push the love out to get it back in.
I've decided that the Final Fantasy series is my new crack.