Aug 09, 2005 01:59
Ok after Sunday's events i think i am completely through with Amee.I am tired of childish crap.I lvoe AMee and all i want is to be a family with her and my son but to have to deal with all this shit i cant it eats me away and i cant handle it.I have done everything i can and all i have got is nothing.How har dis it to move back in and get shit over with.Well i went to go pay for my son (child support) and when i get over there i have cops saying im harrasing her which BTW she isnt even there and didnt know about this at all.I can only take so much and i will find someone a little older and maybe wiser to be with.I cant take this shit im doing so good right now at my job and i have my own place and a car and all.I cant take this i love amee to death but a person can only take so much.I would do anything to make it work and i have.Yes i sliced my wrist open not for attention but to stop the hurt and pain i feel.I cant take this shit i get derpressed easy but anyone in this world would be sad after losing the woman he loves and his own son.I work my ass off and im tired of hurting so im taking a vacation within the next few weeks to either the cayman islands or the bahama's to get my head together.Anyways enough blabbering about how i love amee.Im going to bed for work tom. soon peace all