Jun 14, 2007 11:13
So. I'm really pretty upset, and as I've already told everyone here, I figure I'll tell the rest of the world and maybe I'll feel better.
As most of you know, I had to play a bit of catch-up to make sure I'd be graduating on time. I went over my degree evaluation again and again, making ABSOLUTELY sure that I'd manage to do it. I decided to take two summer courses, this summer, so that I'd only have to take four courses in fall, one in j-term, and 3 in spring.
Well, today I got an email from someone in registration, telling me I'd need to add 7 MORE CLASSES to my current schedule, meaning I'd have to add another to fall, and take 5 classes in spring! It doesn't make any sense, I went over the evaluation he himself made and I can't find ANYWHERE that would even SUGGEST that I'd need another 7 bloody courses. I emailed him back asking him to tell me how he figures I need 7 more and he still hasn't replied (it's only been 2 hours, yes, but this is IMPORTANT so yes I'm going to be impatient about it!)
I need 128 residency credits, I have 113 including summer and fall. That leaves 15 more for j-term and spring- each class is four credits, so that's 4 classes, right? One J-term, 3 spring! I also need 84 breadth of study (outside of major) credits, and I have 69. That's another 15, so again, I'm adding one more to fall (total 16 credits in fall) one in jterm, two in spring. My final Anthro class will be my other spring course.
I don't know, I just can't figure out where he's finding this info. It doesn't make any SENSE. I made an appointment with Academic Services, but apparently they can't fit me in until MONDAY (wtf? there's no one HERE) so who knows what will happen.
It doesn't help that I'm still so exhausted from yesterday. I spent 9 hours at General Mills and spent time shadowing no less than 8 people, all the while wearing shoes that make an Iron Maiden look comfortable. Seriously, my feet are still swollen. It was a great experience and made me really convinced that I'll love doing Admin work but all the same... being cheerful, friendly, open, and interested for 9 hours straight is exhausting.
In good news I got something from Hamline saying I might get that Pell grant after all, so I'd have an extra $600 coming to me. I'll probably pay dad back for the summer tuition he paid since I didn't think I'd get the Pell. I'd still have an extra $100 or so to help out with finances. Woo!
Though, I have no idea if/when that money will be coming. Ah well.
He emailed me back. Apparently he meant that if I took everything remaining seperately (one anth course, four outside of anth courses, one formal reasoning, one writing intensive) -which, by the way, I don't think is even possible- I'd have to take 7 courses. *headdesk*
well, at least it's figured out.