Aug 17, 2007 12:09
The Artists Way Contract:
Current mood: cheerful
Category: Art and Photography
My name is Nicole Elliott. I am a recovering creative person. To further my growth and my joy, I now commit myself to the following self nurturing plans.
Morning pages have been an important part of my self nurturing and self discovery. I Nicole Elliott hereby commit myself to continuing to work with them for 90 days.
Artist's Dates have also been integral to my growth in self love and my deepening joy in living. I Nicole Elliott am willing to commit to another 90 days of weekly artist dates for self-care.
In the course of following the artists way and healing my artist within I have discovered that I have a number of creative interests. While I hope to develop many of them my specific commitment for the next 90 days is to allow my self to more fully explore my painting ability.
My concrete commitment to a plan of action is a critical part of nurturing my artist. For the next 90 days my planned, self nurturing plan of action is to fear not being myself and expressing myself by writing my daily morning pages for the public to see.. I will also be posting publicly my creations in the next 90 days.
I have chosen ______Beth Casto_____ as my creative colleague and __________________________ as my creative back up. I am committed to a weekly check in with said people.
Nicole Elliott
P.s. I am currently seeking a creative colleague, someone who is creative and I can discuss my creativity with. I am also seeking a creative back up, who doesnt necissarily have to be creative but must be understanding and willing to listen.
*****Morning pages are writing sessions done typically in the morning, for one hour about anything and everything that comes to mind. It is to be known by my creative team that Although occasionally colorful, the morning pages are often negative, fragmented, often self pitying, rpetive, angry or bland.. That is part of the creative purge.