As with everything on this R.V, hidden "surprises" lurk around every corner. The generator took more work than it should have to remove. Someone had removed the QD connectors on the control wires, and any other QD's. The wires feeding AC out were frayed, and the conduit exposing wire, and the junction box cover was missing leaving the wire junctions exposed, and filled with road grime.
When I checked oil on the generator, the dipstick was dry,. Disturbing that it might be vapor locked or something, but when I put the tip stick back in it was full, so releasing pressure on the case caused oil to drain from "somewhere"... I drained the oil, and a lot of sludge came with it. This might be original oil, or really OLD oil.
This generator has been to Burning Man. I wore all black clothes today, and I am now "gray" from head to toe, covered in chalky white playa dust that was embedded in the generator housing. When I say playa dust gets everywhere, I mean it. There are places you just can;t easily clean it out of.
Rather than learning a bunch and putting a lot of time into the generator, I may just drop it off at an Onan authorized service center to see if they can bring it back to life. It's likely going to need to be torn down quite a bit just to get the motor isolated enough to try and crank it over. Unfortunately, time is running out, and as much as I am curious, and wanna dig into this, I may just have to pay a professional.
Re-installing it, it will get a QD fuel line with a petcock, forklift DC power QD's a twist-lock AC line, and a molex remote control cable connector. That will take more time, but will aide future possible removals for maintenance or upgrades.