Mar 21, 2005 14:42
Do you believe in miracles? I do and we are witnessing one. I can't believe what I heard on the news this morning. Have you heard about the law that Bush signed 1:11 AM this morning that will allow Terri Schiavo's parents file a hearing in a federal court regarding their daughter's feeding tube? I could not believe it because Bush came back from his vacation in TX, the Congress met extraordinarily two weeks before ending vacation and they got more than 50% rating approval. Unbelievable, don't you think. That definitively touched me. Just when you start to lose your hope on this world and what it can offer you a ligthing bolt of hope strikes you rigth on the forehead. "Hey! Dumbass! Don't quit! The best will just start."
That is what I thought after another lame and hopeless awakening this morning. Thanks Terri for cheering me up. It is amazing what a handicaped woman is telling to the world. One of the most powerful men in the world signed a law just for her. Obviously this raises a very loud controversy but in the other hand aren't we in front of another Roe-vs-Wade situation?
For those who did not know about Roe-vs-Wade it is the milestone that permitted the legalization of abortion in the US. Anyway Roe-vs-Wade was just a minor case in IL in the mid 70's that reached the Supreme Court. Thanks to it we know have legal abortion all around the country. Schiavo's case could be that milestone that could lead the US to the legalization of euthanasia. I hope Terri's parents win the battle over her husband and his colleagues.