Mar 18, 2005 15:54
so the CEO of my company is coming to my offices on monday. i should be excited to meet him or whatever, but yeah - i don't think anyone would be totally excited to get dressed up and kiss ass. not like i plan on kissing ass.
it's funny - i look back at like a year or so ago and realized why i was motivated. i had reason to show myself i could be better than i was at the time; to show that i'm more than just what i see. i keep on saying i'll change my dull ways and go back to the old me - get out - enjoy life... but i'm just not in the mood lately. moods pass... this one is no exception. i'll snap out of it sooner or later. i'll quit being a cave-dweller and live life out in the sun for a while.
so it's friday again... you know what that means. more poeple asking what i'm doing for the weekend... where i'm going... truth is, my closest friends are getting married or are already married. this leaves me to my own devices. and god knows it's so easy to stay home after a long day of work... the last thing i want to do is to say i'm going to some party or bar, only to be dull and tired there. and god knows i'm no bar-hopper. i actually don't like going to bars to make friends... because those friends become drinking buddies and people who you associate drinking with. i'm not a heavy drinker and i'd like to not have drinking as a common bond between friends. it's shallow. maybe i expect too much... maybe i should have lived it up during college so i could swap "oh shit i was so drunk i..." stories. but i'm not like that. i think i'm someone who tried to find something more only to stop looking because he's seen all he wants to... whatever that means, right?
which reminds me... i know this will sound cheesy or something, but on my way home the other day, i saw a small sticker on a car which read "live your dreams." i found myself turning those words over and over in my head and every time finding deeper meaning. it looked like a cheap sticker from Hot Topic or something, but i don't think most people got as much out of that sticker as i did... and i didn't even pay for it. lol
if only i could live my dreams... that's not to say i haven't tried... just not recently.