May 28, 2005 03:31
...And so the fun begins...
right... well the children have come out to play, but i once again stay inside...
i said a while ago that i wasnt gonna do this shit again.. but its come to my attention
that there are comments being made, and looks being given
all i can say is fuck you
and that goes out to all parties involved.
you fucked up
not me..
i shouldnt hafta pay.
but i did..
i paid in blood, sweat & years
many tears were shed over you..
so that's that.
i did what i did for a REAL reason
not cuz i 'need to get laid'
that shit is lame.
you know what its about, i dropped dime.. & then i broke it down in such a way
that even a young child could understand
infants even
and with the infantile thought patterns & thought processes that you posess
i believed that you'd be able to comprehend that.
i believed in you when noone else would.
when dude was using you to get off..
when your 'rents were saying that you werent shit
who the fuck was there.
but now its on some other shit??
if you get mad, and i cant be mad then
fuck ya'
and that's real talk.
any questions or comments can and should be addressed to me
or hit my # up
this should be the 15th time you've erased it or what-not
get your mind correct
and remember that you're not trying to mind fuck an educated young man
you're fucking with a G.O.D.
and with that i say P.E.A.C.E. (Please Educate Allah's Children Everyday)