What’s a little texting between friends? (A series) 3 of ?

Sep 08, 2012 22:08

Rating: T (just to be safe)
Pairing: Nico and Dani
Disclaimer: Not mine for real but I am just playing with them a little.
Beta: Don’t have one but if someone wants to volunteer that would be great!
Summary: In “Spell it out” (2.7), Vera comments on the amount of texts and calls between Nico and Dani. In “Shrink or Swim” (2.1), we find out Dani and Nico haven’t talked much in the 6 week off season. Episodes 2.1 through 2.7 take place between mid - February and mid - July which is when Vera gets access to Nico’s phone. How many texts are considered “a lot” in 5 months between friends?

Text messages are in italics.  Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

This is probably the last one for tonight.  My question to you guys is, do you want to see more texts both before 2.1 and after 2.7? 

AN: Per Wikipedia - A screen pass is a type of play in American football. During a screen pass, a number of things happen concurrently in order to fool the defense into thinking a long pass is being thrown, when in fact the pass is merely a short one, just beyond the defensive linemen. Screens are usually deployed against aggressive defenses that rush the passer. Because screens invite the defense to rush the quarterback, they are designed to leave fewer defenders behind the rushers to stop the play. A screen pass can be effective, but can also be risky in that it is rather easy for a defensive player, even a lineman, to intercept the pass if a defender gets between the quarterback and the intended receiver. If the pass is intercepted, there are often few offensive players in front of the intercepting player, thus making it much easier for the intercepting team to earn a large return or to score a touchdown.

“The Screen Pass”

~~Takes place during “To Swerve and Protect” 2.2

Nico heard what Dani said. So she didn’t like the sound of him taking care of getting TK out of his apartment? That pissed him off. What, now that she was sleeping with Donnelly she no longer supported his methods? He would put an end to her doubts real quick. At the first red light, he made his point.

Nico: Doctor - you may not like my methods but in this case, I am simply going to provide TK with what he needs to feel safe - protection.

Dani: I am sorry, Nico. I just don’t like the idea of not being able to get to him to help him. He won’t even let me in. I am concerned about the lengths he feels he needs to go to right now.

Why hadn’t she said something? Nico knew TK had missed one session and that she had gone over to TK’s apartment for the other. Why hadn’t she called him?

Nico: You should have called for backup, doctor. I would have gotten you in.

Nico berated himself as the light turned green. Why was he being such an ass to her? Part of him knew why but it wasn’t a part of himself he wanted to listen to at the moment. Two traffic lights later, Nico apologized, well sort of.

Nico: Dani, I will let you know what I find. I will make sure he is as secure as I can make him.

Forty minutes later, Nico found himself in a conundrum. What was he going to tell her about this? Four guns, four guns and a pair of nunchucks? Nunchucks, what the Hell was that about anyway? TK was more likely to hurt himself with the nunchucks than anyone else.

Nico: Got in. Left him with one of my security teams

Now depending on what she was doing, she may not notice his lack of information.

Dani: How many, Nico?

Damn. She was too perceptive sometimes. One more try.

Nico: Left him with two of my best men

The speed of her reply was almost as affective as her squint.

Dani: Nico! How. Many. Guns. Did. He. Have?

If they had been face to face, he would have simply raised an eyebrow, tilted his head, and waited her out. When his phone beeped, Nico realized he done it anyway.

Dani: I need to know so I can gauge his level of paranoia. Nico, please just tell me, no matter how bad.

As he tapped out his reply, Nico wondered if he should have the team guarding TK frisk him when they dropped the player off at her house for TK’s next session. Since she wasn’t going to like what he had to tell her, maybe he could at least make her laugh.

Nico: I found one in the cookie jar. With more bling than firepower.

He was going with the slow lead in.

Nico: Three on him - a 38, a glock, and a desert eagle of all things.

Since Dani had insisted he tell her, Nico wasn’t going to sugar coat it for her. He doubted Dani knew what a Desert Eagle was but Nico knew that she would Google it. Lack of thoroughness wasn’t one of her short comings. Now for the laugh.

Nico: Along with a pair of nunchucks

Waiting for Dani’s reply made Nico tetchy. He should probably reassure her that he would never let TK come to her house armed.

Dani: Thanks Nico. I just snorted my diet Coke! Does Terrence even have any idea what to do with a pair of nunchucks? She had an unerring ability to make him smile when he didn’t mean to.

Nico: At least it wasn’t wine.

Dani: Ray Jay had a pair when he was twelve and gave himself his very first black eye. It was huge.

Nico let out a hearty laugh. Damn, he had missed her over the off season.

Nico: I have done what I can Dani. The screen pass is to you. Watch out for the rush.

Nico smiled. No doubt he had just added a few more items to her research list.

character: dani santino, episode: 202 to swerve and protect, character: nico careles, pairing: dani/nico, writing: fanfiction

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