Fanfiction: Sneak Attack, PG

Sep 23, 2011 20:39

Title: Sneak Attack
Author: goodisrelative
Rating: PG
Spoilers: through S1 Ep 12
Character/Pairing: Nico Careles, Dani Santino, Terrence “TK” King; totally Careles/Santino
Summary: Later, he got up, poured himself a second cup and confirmed she now had regular creamer in her fridge.

Author's note: I love these characters for getting me back into writing again. I hate these characters for getting me back into writing! :-) Nico intrigues me, annoys me, and challenges me… pretty much like he does Dani. I prefer shorter character pieces. And in this one, I love how it’s Dani who’s known all along and it’s Nico who gets sneak attacked.
Thanks to ET, bets_cyn for the beta and to brokenroots for the encouragement.

Sneak Attack

character: dani santino, character: nico careles, pairing: dani/nico, writing: fanfiction

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