SRIF this!

Mar 20, 2011 14:14

So, yesterday was the Research and Ideas Fair, aka SRIF. The paper presentations were wonderful. I went to one on Elizabeth Bishop and her sense of family; gender & passivity in medieval romance; the role of clerical wives around the Reformation; Jon Stewart and his role in journalism; Elizabeth Brewster and her conversion to Judaism;one about Bollywood that was given in French and also a poetry session. All of these were wonderful and I felt like such a nerd all day.

I gave my paper in the morning session, according to my friends I did well, personally, I felt like I stumbled over a lot and repeated myself a lot but enh, what can you do? The good news is it's over (until I gather the nerve to present again next year). I also got hit with an unexpected wave of questions afterwards and I think I did rather well in addressing them, though there were a couple that were fielded by my advisor, thank goodness.

Faculty advisor was also the keynote speaker at lunch and she gave a wonderful speech about why a person would choose a liberal arts degree and then had a bunch of us, mostly us from her seminar class stand and perform this crazy play/found poem. Twas an excellent day.

Also, Hunger Games movie information:

Katniss has been chosen
Interview with director Gary Ross
Interview with Katniss to be

school, linkspam

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