Yahoo News Story This is something I've been saying for how long now? And I based it both on principle and on facts.
We need to make things. Without making, you merely export all of your resources and end up as slaves to the people who are making things. Read: us being slaves to China and India. India ends up being slaves to anyone who makes food (us). Which makes everyone just slaves to China. And some slavery owed to the Middle East (who are luckily multiple countries, despite the existence of OPEC).
We must revive the mantras of the classical industrialist capitalists. Henry Ford said that the goal was to "make the best product possible at the lowest price possible for the highest wage possible." See how those all interlocked? Now, the goal is to make the highest profit possible in the shortest timeframe possible. Where is the vision there? How is that sustainable? That's like eating your own tail.
Companies have to work on lower margins, have slower growth, and really just make things. The life of glitz will not be so prevalent. Oh well. But we'll all prosper more, and I think that our values will appear more in line with something that we can all admire. Hard work, creation, value in value. When everyone thinks you can go the fast route, then you merely get bubbles, reality shows, and profiteering.
I applaud you Lynn Tilton. Although this idea should not be so uncommon that it requires applause. Rather, it's opposite should be so despicable that it should be laughed down when brought up. Alas, this is not a perfect world.