I'm back. Again.

Aug 23, 2004 11:12

Well, technically, I never left, but posting here on a regular basis has proved difficult, considering the madhouse that is my life.

My show wrapped on Saturday night. I am currently in the first stages of Post Show Depression. This is totally normal, of course. I spent three and a half weeks of my life, for hours each evening, working with a great group of people, having a very good time, and learning a lot. Had the cast party on Saturday night and when I left at 2:30 in the morning it was still going strong. I'm tired, and I miss my buddies in the group, but such is life, you know? What's great about doing theater is the friends I make, and the professional connections, and the fact that somewhere down the line I know I'm going to work with at least a few of the same people again. It's such a small world, really. And although the professional experience this time around was totally satisfying--I feel like I made some solid contacts, learned a lot, and I'm on the director's short list for future shows, yay!--it was the personal experience that made the difference. And this is always the case for me: I've done shows that were pure drudgery from start to finish, but working with fun, friendly people can make even the worst professional experience at least tolerable. And sometimes, it's even fun to know that you're stuck in Show Hell with Good People. At least we're on the same (sinking) boat, as it were. :D

Now that the show is over, I get to focus on life stuff. Like planning for my sister's wedding. Oy. I'll be glad to have that done with. I went through enough hell planning my own, and nothing even went remotely wrong with mine. It's ridiculous how complicated planning a wedding has become. I mean, my wedding was awesome and I had a great time, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd go to Vegas and elope. My sister's wedding looks to be more complicated than mine, of course. I'm trying to do my part as the older sister, but really, it'll be nice once she's married. The good news is I don't have too many really close girlfriends who aren't married, so I don't see myself being called upon to do bridesmaid duties anytime in the near future.

And of course, there's my writing to distract me. I'm quite happy with the way my story is going, all things considered. There are some minor corrections I want to make to past chapters, and sooner or later, I want to get everything posted at my groups page, which I've neglected horribly (both my art group and my fic group). But for now, I'm on a push to just get things done. The only other fic I have planned at the moment is the Hermione/Lucius one, but sadly my beta/co-author has been so busy with life stuff she hasn't gotten back to me in ages about it. So far I'm doing the bulk of the writing and she's correcting, streamlining, and adding really great bits here and there. The first chapter is, I have to say, damn good. I just hope to hear from her soon so we can get the thing posted somewhere. It's just too good a plot bunny to let die!

In other news, Rupert Grint is 16 tomorrow. Thank bloody God. I can finally perv on him without feeling like, well, a perv. I am such a Rupert Whore that I swear I was this close to submitting something for Mugglenet's Rupert Birthday Project. Thankfully, I came to my senses at the last minute.
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