Fanart: "Libera Me From Hell" ¤Kamina, Simon ¤ PG ¤No warning

Jan 22, 2010 23:31

Third - and now one-to-last pic of the TTGL Kamisimo batch.

For some reason unknown even to myself, as I prepared to make this post I suddenly... you know... became very self-conscious of this pic. :/ It is a quick, raw sketch, quickly coloured, and with a pretty (grand?) background. Nothing more. And suddenly I could see every little imperfection of it. It was like... emo-teen angst tightly compressed into a 15 minutes spell of panic. O_O
How odd.
I'm... posting it as it is, plus all the "versions" I'd decided to post. But I might clean it up and colour this as it deserves, one day.


Title: Uhhh... I'll get back to you on that. It might be "Reunion" or something similar; but I sort of like "Libera Me from Hell" better. That's the song you can hear as this scene plays in the anime.
Alternate Title: I'll... get back to you on this, too? "The way we were reunited" sounds.... not powerful enough.
Artist: Nemesi
Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Characters: Kamina(17), Simon(21). (yes, the ages are right. X3 )
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, its characters, places and themes belong to Gainax, Aniplex,etc.. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: Sketch 3 of a series of 3 3.5. Kami and Simo, when they finally found each other again inside the Alternate Universe Labyrinth.
I took a little artistic licence with this. REALLY little, mind you.


As I mentioned before, if you watch closely the three TTGL sketches that comprise this batch, you can see Kamina and Simon going from being... well, "Kamina" and "Simon" to being Neme-style Kamina and Simon. X3

This scene ideally takes place in episode 26 of the series. I say "ideally" because while they DO meet in that pretty, blinding-with-light, rainbow-coloured-sky place in that episode, they do not embrace.
The scene is perfect - utterly PERFECT - as it is in the anime, but... they've been apart for seven years. Seven, long years. When he lost Kamina, Simon nearly his will to live as well, and to this day, he *still* thinks of Kamina, still looks up to him, still loves him and goes to him in his time of need (like when Nia "rejected" his proposal... out of all his friends, Simon ran to Kamina's statue).
For his part, Kamina overcame death itself (again, we might add) to reach Simon in that bightly coloured void and save him.
I felt like a hug was needed.
Moreover, back in the days, they used to touch 24/7. Kamina often had a arm slung around Simon's shoulder, hugged him when he was in pain or scared, Simon leaned into him, etc.
If you look at it this way, a hug is in-character for both of them, ne? :)

Again, the thing I like most, is the face - Kamina's own, for once. What I like less is Simon's hunched back.
Simon stands taller than Kamina, by now; to snuggle in his arms lean so heavily against his chest, Simon's knees must've given out under him, his shoulders are hunched and his back is curved. I studied his posture very carefully to give exactly that idea, but then I added the huge coat, and it hides everything. D:

Lyrics on the bkg:
"Libera me" from hell
"Free me" from hell

Operetta sung by: Kasahara Yuri


Requiem æternam. Dona eis, Domine
Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna,
in die illa tremenda. in die illa
Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra,
Dum veneris judicare
sæculum per ignem.
Tremens factus sum ego et timeo,
dum discussio venerit atque ventura ira.
Dies illa, dies iræ,
calamitatis et miseriæ,
dies illa dies magna
et amara valde. et amara valde
Requiem æternam, dona eis Domine
Requiem æternam, dona eis Requiem
et lux perpetua luceat eis
Libera me, Domine.
Libera me, Domine


Grant them eternal rest, Lord.
Free me, Lord, from eternal death
on that terrible day, on the day
The heavens and earth will be moved,
When you will come to judge
the age by fire.
I dread and tremble for
the scattering to come and your wrath.
That day, the day of wrath,
of calamity and wretchedness,
that day, that terrible day.
and intense bitterness, and intense bitterness
Grant them eternal rest, Lord
Rest, eternal rest grant them
and eternal light shine upon them
Free me, Lord.
Free me, Lord.


And Last but not least, Wallpapers.

(1024x768) close-up version
(1024x768) close-up, lighter version
(1024x768) full-body version
(1024x768) full-body version - take 2
(1024x768) full-body + faces close-up version ←my current desktop, actually ♥

type:wallpapers, type:art&illustrations, c:simon, fandom:tengen toppa gurren lagann, c:kamina

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