...stuff. :]

Oct 13, 2008 23:27

For some reasons unknown to me, I'm being plagued by this plotbunny, where Proto ends up saving Mega once again, and as to carry him home. Once there, Roll plays the host and offers tea to everyone, and... an embarassing conversation ensues, with Mega being adorably clueless, Roll being the evil-matchmaker of doom, and Proto being caught off-guard with questions about his feelings for Mega. XD;; I'd dive into it, if only I didn't know that... well, that Robot Masters don't drink tea. *shrugs* And tea is a important part for the plot, believe it or not. XD;;;;;;

I'm also plagued by this... uhm, what do you call the urge to draw something? It's not a plotbunny... a drawbunny? A draw...kitty? Anyhow,beruthiels_cats  wrote me a nice, nice, VERY nice poem/story to go with some pics of Proto I made. Reading it, I got this "draw-bunny", as I was saying before, of Proto holding the flower she mentions in the story... and maybe giving it to Mega? I know he wouldn't pluck the flower, not when it's the very embodiment of his hope; but it'd be nice if he went out of his way to find another flower, and gave it to Mega. ♥

On to another news... *clears throat* *is embarassed* That I'm accident prone is no news, is it? Well... to make a long story short I've now got a swollen ankle. *points* *shrugs sheepishly* This morning it didn't look that bad. I did manage to get to the studios and back (almost) fine. But now it looks like I might have to take some days off work to draw rest. *sweatdrops* We'll see. :P

recs:fanfic, health, personal, inspirations, fandom:rockman

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