...at last!
Here comes a dancing, wet, NAKED Erestor for
beruthiels_cats, who was a love and agreed to my cross-fandom art-trade offer. ^^/ She wrote me a Zero/Cyber Elf X smut fic (*flails about* Have you any idea how RARE are those?!?! There must be, like, two of them in the whole of the internet, and one is mine! *flails more* *moes* *fangirls like woah*), in exchange, she asked for a picture of Erestor, from her fic "Longest Night".
Since she's being even more of a love, has been very supportive and is toying with another plotbunny as of now, (and since I don't know when to stop, anyway) I went and also made her two printable bookmarks and icons to go with her fic. ^^/
Enjoy! :D
Set Title: "Longest Night"
Author: Nemesi.
Number of pictures: 2 + 2 bookmarks + 3 icons = 7 in total.
Fandom: LOTR.
Characters/pairing : Erestor.
Rating: Soft R (for nudity)
Disclaimer: LOTRS, its characters, places and themes belong to Tolkien. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: Censored frontal nudity.
Summary: While readying "LOngest Night", my mind was filled with this sudden visual of Erestor, bare, with his head tilted back at such an angle that only part of his features are visible, curvaceous and naked and sexy, with his hair like a shroud about him as he dances, the only "light" thing on a dark background...