Recently, I've been even less active here than my average. Which is to say: I dropped off the face of the earth. For which, I apologize, but things keep piling up, and I'm exhausted. -_-;; However, I decided to roll up my sleeves and - unless I fall alseep on my keyboard in the next minutes - and IF LJ cooperates - I'm dumping some art on my LJ, making a post for each of my most-beloved fandoms: Saint Seiya, DBZ and LOTR .
Last but not least, my lovely Saiyajins from DBZ. Sadly, most of the following is old, sketchy, horrible art. My new production is available only at the forum, as of now. ^^/
Features: Chibi Goten, Teen Goten, Chibi Trunks, Teen Trunks, Mirai, Goku, Vegeta and my Bamboline. :)))
Also available with different BKGs
1 and
This be a Gotennapping. *points* That was born after I had made sketches of Goten with:
a) Mirai, (one with Goten as child, one with him as a teenager)
b) Gohan
c) Goku
d) Bardak
e) Vegeta
They were all non-pairings pics, low rated, with Goten being his adoable child-self and posing with the other Saiyajin. Nothing big. But then I realized that I'd never once drawn him with TRUNKS. I'd also put Trunks-kun in the background of most of the aforemeantioned pics, seething with jealousy. So, I went and drew the logical conclusion of all that jealousy: a Gotennapping! XD;; With a horde of angry Saiyajin huting the fleeing pair. (Notice that Goku is not up-to-date with the situation, and is happily following the flow without really knowing why XD;;) I must say, I kind of like how Goten came out, too! (and I don't know if the detail is big enough to notice, but Trunks is repeating "mine, mine, mine" over and over... XD;;;)
One of the aforementione sketches, is this one: *points down*
Sans and with Chibi-Jealous-Trunks-Kun. XD;;
The follow-up pic is featured in this sketch:
Notice how intent Mirai looks - and just how dreamy looks Goten-chan! Trunks-kun is going ballistic. Here be the colored version. Not good but... maybe it might inspire
cara_deea little? *hopeful*
I swear I shall re-draw this. That I will.
Last but not least.., and definitely the better sketch of the batch - my character studies. Aka, Neme trying to get Trunks and Goten's features right, getting distracted, and having them kiss. XD;;
I shall also post, one day or the other, the full colored pics and the sketches I made for the RPG I'm playing, named "Dragon Ball DR". ^-^/