New Year's Resolutions and Food

Jan 07, 2008 10:07

My new years resolution this time around is "To look and feel better."

I think that requires some explanation.

Over a year ago, I got hit by a car. I think I mentioned it here. Since then, I've been fighting back spasms, and as a result, not hitting the mat nearly as hard as I would like to. Add on top of that the stress of finishing my thesis and defending and actually finishing that life goal of getting a Ph.D., and the subsequent job searching, and you end up with a poor guy who probably gained 20 extra pounds that he really did not need. (I don't know exactly because I don't own a scale.) There's a good chance that much of my back trouble is related as much to the gain in weight and lack of exercise as the accident. Catch 22 is a beautiful catch. All I know is that I have a hard time even doing a moderate hike nowadays. That must change.

I've also let my personal grooming fall by the wayside a bit. My nicely shaved head, well, ... isn't. Much of my clothing is also suffering from a casual disregard of care, and is in process of falling apart. (Heck, a lot of it doesn't fit, either.) This must change as well.

And it would be nice to look good come the end of June, when Kathryn and I tie the knot.

So for the new year, $girlfriend and I are starting the South Beach Diet. (As a matter of fact, today is day one!) We picked up the book, have both read it, and agree that as far as diets go this one seems to make more sense than anything else we've heard of. Today is day one. I'm heading out to pick up a scale today so we can track progress. In any case, I'm kind of excited. The other part of this strategy (for us) is to do more hiking on weekends, and for me to get back into Aikido, and have a serious go at it. I've been in and out for months now, but I need to stop fearing my back, and start working with it.

This is going to be a great year.

dieting, resolutions, wedding

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