HMD/Intro Post

May 12, 2014 16:00


Player Name: Pensulliwen
Age: 17 (18 as of May 29)
Time Zone: Eastern (US)
Characters Played: Lenalee Lee
Contact: (email/gtalk), Pensulliwen (AIM)

How long have you been roleplaying?
I haven't in a couple years, but I RPed for about three years before gaining (and subsequently losing) a life.

Is there a style of writing or point of view that you prefer?

Do you have any goals you wish to accomplish in this game?
Just to better my writing skills, explore Lenalee's character and have a good time.

Any weird/interesting quirks, as a writer/roleplayer?
I think that I'm pretty straightforward XD; I do tend to fall into writing crack if I'm not careful.

Do you have any squicks or things you absolutely would not do with your character?
Apart from rape, not that I can think of off the top of my head. I'll at least be open to talking about it.

Are there any things in particular you want to explore with your character?
Lenalee's relationship with God and how she interacts with people who she does not consider "part of her world" are things that I'd like to play with.

What kind of themes/tropes interest you as a writer?
I mostly write romance, comedy and adventure, usually all at once. Oh, and ANGST. But that's pretty easy with DGM.

Anything else we should know about you?
I will spell check any in-character posts, but as far as OOC chatting goes my typos can be pret-ty bad.

How's My Driving?

Let me know what you think of my Lenalee!

hmd, ooc, intro

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