Jun 08, 2011 01:56

OOC Information:
Name/Alias: Pensulliwen
Age: 19
AIM/Skype: Pensulliwen
Personal LJ: allegratheneko (This is basically abandoned)
How did you hear about Badfic?: In-game friend :)
IC Information:
Character Name: Lenalee Lee
Character Journal: Nec_metu
Canon: D. Gray-Man
Point in Canon: 186
Age: 17
Birthday: February 20

Appearance: In a sentence: shoulder-length black hair, thin but not frail, large violet eyes, of Chinese descent. She has an air of maturity about her, but does look quite young. Lenalee’s most noticeable bit is her legs. Beyond being long and lovely, her legs house her Innocence in the form of two anklets, and are what she uses to fight. Because of this, Lenalee generally wears short skirts or shorts to allow for mobility, and is quite obviously not tied to typical 19th century fashion. Lenalee doesn’t really act like a 19th century woman at all- her gender is almost never an issue when fighting with her male comrades, or even mentioned. She wears tight fitting clothing and is very comfortable with her body, only striving to be stronger. Lenalee also has a cross shaped scar on the front of each ankle, caused by a reaction to re-synchronizing with her Innocence.

Abilities: Lenalee fights with her legs. Her Innocence (Dark Boots) enables her to move at breakneck speeds, and essentially fly by running on sound waves. Her fighting style mostly consists of kicks, but she has been known to throw a mean punch when her legs are out of commission. Her Innocence is an equipment type, meaning that it is not part of her body, but it is the only known Innocence to evolve into Crystal Type, making it extremely powerful. Her Innocence has always behaved in unexplainable ways, such as crystallizing into a shield around her after her suicidal attack on Eshi, saving her life and leading to speculation that it could be the Heart. Both the Noah and the Order have mostly discredited this theory, but why her Innocence acts differently than others (apart from Allen’s, which also unexplainably saved his life) is unknown. Lenalee hasn’t been seen fighting with her Crystal Type boots very much so far, so what their special abilities are and whether her old ones still work has yet to be discovered. When not invocated, her Innocence takes the form of twin anklets formed from her own blood.

Personality: As mentioned before, Lenalee is very much a woman not of her own time. While she is polite and usually somewhat reserved, at least compared to her comrades, she is also quite unafraid to make her opinion known. Lenalee is very nice and apparently open around people even after just meeting them, seeming to be a happy person at heart. However, her past still haunts her, which is made especially apparent when she is around Leverrier. Though she has come to terms with it better since reuniting with her Innocence, Lenalee still constantly strives to be stronger so that she can protect her friends and family, which are more important to her than anything else. She often refers to them as her world, admitting that those she loves are more important to her than the rest of the world. Her reason for fighting is simple, beginning with a promise to fight for her older brother Komui and branching out to include the entire Order. Because of this, losing a comrade in battle takes a large toll on her, as if she is losing a part of her world. Lenalee became extremely depressed after thinking that Allen had died because of her in the Edo Arc, contributing to her decision to fight Eshi with everything she had and defeat him even if it meant her own death.

Despite this, Lenalee hates self-sacrifice. Whenever she is seen yelling at her comrades, this is almost always the cause. She hates it when people get hurt trying to protect her, though this curiously never seems to have any gender issue subtext. This probably has something to do with Lenalee’s upbringing, essentially being raised to be a fighter since a young age. Lenalee is in no way unfeminine, and she never shies away from it (again, the mini-skirt). Gender simply seems to be something that she rarely thinks about, despite being surrounded men. (Extremely attractive men). That’s not to say that she doesn’t have any romantic moments with her male counterparts, Allen Walker especially finds himself in hugging or handholding scenes quite often (at least once with a PINK GLOWY BACKGROUND). But romance and gender altogether don’t seem to be things that Lenalee pays much attention to, or if she does then she recognizes that there are far more important things to think about.

As of chapter 186, Lenalee is one of the most powerful Exorcists with the acquisition of her Crystal Type Innocence. Whenever Lenalee is not in fighting condition, such as after her fight with Eshi, she tends to overcompensate for it by becoming more aggressive, i.e. more yelling and punching. Above all else, Lenalee sees herself as a fighter, and while she initially rebelled against this, hating her Innocence, she now embraces it and strives to become a stronger person as well as a stronger Exorcist.

Strengths: Lenalee has become more and more confident in herself, especially since getting her Crystal Dark Boots. She is very determined and able to keep a cool head in battle, working well off of her comrades and is a fair strategist, using her enemies’ strengths against them. While logical, Lenalee is also very emotional, but this is rarely a detriment. It leads her to fight hard to protect the people that are important to her. She cries when she needs to, and then gets up to keep fighting. She is not afraid to use force when necessary, but can use other approaches when needed, whether facing an adversary or arguing with a comrade.

Lenalee can be ruthless when need be. In a fairly recent chapter, when left to face off against a former comrade who had been taken over and mutated by the enemy, she destroyed him. However, she is also fiercely loyal to the people that are close to her and will fight for them no matter what the cost, as seen by attempting to sacrifice herself to save the others on the ship to Edo.

Weaknesses: Without her Innocence, Lenalee is fair as a trained martial artist, but would probably not hold up against someone specifically trained in that field or with weapon. Since her friends are her entire world, they are also her weakness; Lenalee does not deal with the deaths of her comrades well, especially if she thinks that she could have saved them. This goes for noncombatants like the science team (especially her brother) as well as fellow Exorcists. Lenalee cares very much about them, and is troubled whenever something is wrong with them, though she tries to be optimistic. The issue with the 14th Noah inside Allen weighs on her heavily, and she constantly worries about losing the people that she cares about.

Lenalee is primarily a close-quarters combatant, having only one attack that’s really suited for long-distance fighting (Misty-Wind), and she may or may not be able to use that with her new Innocence. However, she can travel long distances insanely quickly to compensate for this.

History: Lenalee’s parents were killed by akuma when she was very young, leaving her to be raised by her older brother Komui. She does not remember anything prior to her parents’ deaths. Due to being compatible with Innocence, the Black Order forcefully took her away from Komui to live in their headquarters and become an Exorcist, forcing her to become a soldier for the Vatican. Over the course of three years she repeatedly attempted to escape, and eventually attempted to commit suicide. After that incident she was restrained by being tied to a bed. Lenalee only came to view the Order as anything other than a prison after Komui worked his way through the ranks of the Order to become a Supervisor, giving him the power to be with her as her superior officer. Reunited with her brother, Lenalee stopped trying to run away and began to become more at ease with the Order, eventually coming to see it as her home. She fought using her Innocence in order to be able to be with him, and protect him. However, she continued to harbor a deep hatred for her Innocence, sometimes extending to god itself, and a great fear of the Central, specifically Inspector Leverrier.

Lenalee became Komui’s assistant as well as an Exorcist as she got older, and carried out missions for the Order without complaint. She came to view the people within the Order, from fellow Exorcists to Finders and scientists as her family, and would be devastated whenever anyone was lost. They all became part of her world, and more important to her than anything.

The main events of the manga start when she is 16, and from there we see her go on several missions with different Exorcist teams to recover Innocence. A recurring theme is her hatred of self-sacrifice, usually taken out on Allen because his cursed eye allows him to see Akuma, allowing him to put himself in harm’s way and fight harder than the rest of them. She even slaps him in the midst of battle for this, accusing him of not thinking of her as a comrade or letting her fight beside him, and takes quite a while to forgive him.

During the Suman arc, Lenalee remembers seeing experiments the Order performed on a child in order to force synchronization with Innocence, which failed, creating a Fallen One. This makes her determined to save fellow Exorcist Suman, who has become a Fallen One himself, but he is beyond saving. Lenalee is forced to leave Allen behind with him in order to save the life of a small girl, but is unable to find Allen afterward. By the time she and Lavi find Timcanpy, who leads them back to where Allen last was, all that is left is a bloodstain. She sees a recording of what happened, learning that Allen pushed his Innocence too far and was then attacked by a Noah, who destroyed his Innocence. It is assumed that he is dead, and Lenalee blames herself for leaving him; the guilt from this leaves her in a depression as she continues the journey without him.

While on the way to Edo, Lenalee bonds with Anita, a brothel owner. She is inspired by Anita’s faith in Cross still being alive, and as a battle begins Lenalee becomes determined to believe that Allen is alive somewhere. Lenalee fights a Level 3 akuma, the strongest seen at the time, on her own. After a grueling battle, with thoughts of Allen pushing her on to give her all to it, she manages to kill the akuma by pushing her invocation past its limit (as Allen did) and almost dies in the attempt. She is left damaged, legs barely working and long pigtails burned off by the attack, but her Innocence inexplicably saves her at the last moment. The idea that she might be the Heart, the special Innocence/accommodator that both the Order and Earl are looking for, is tossed around. However, Allen’s Innocence did the same thing, and the idea seems to mostly be dismissed later on. While Lenalee's faith in Allen remains intact, Lenalee learns that Anita was killed during the battle, and was only still alive because of another Exorcist’s ability. She disappears as the Exorcists and other survivors leave. Her death has a great effect on Lenalee, who promises to grow her hair back out for her.

While in Edo, the search for Cross continues to be more a battle to survive. With her legs in such terrible condition, Lenalee is unable to fight, and finds herself being a hindrance taken advantage of by the enemy rather than being able to help protect her friends. While she has a tearful reunion with Allen, the group makes their way into the enemy’s stronghold, and Lenalee has to leave behind other comrades who are equally important to her. Even when kidnapped or used as a hostage, Lenalee attempts to fight and remains confident that her friends will win and survive, though losing them does wear on her considerably. Thankfully for her, though they seem to be lost one by one until only her, Allen and then Cross remain, Allen brings everyone back by discovering and using the powers of the dormant Noah inside of him through the piano room. The fear of losing Allen, whether to the Noah or to Order officials weighs heavily on her mind after she learns of it, but the Exorcists all return home safely and Lenalee is able to run into her brother’s arms.

Back at Headquarters, Lenalee’s Innocence is taken away since its synchronization has dropped incredibly low, puzzling everyone. Lenalee thinks back on how heavy and painful the boots always felt, and how she used to hate her Innocence, as well as God for forcing it on her. However, when the Order is attacked by a Noah and akuma, Lenalee immediately runs to get her Innocence back and be able to fight, despite being told that she isn’t ready to resynchronize with it and it could reject her. Believing that it will work enough to not fear being harmed by it, Lenalee forces her way through a warzone, and while beaten down by an akuma realizes that it is the first time she has honestly longed for her Innocence. After Allen comes to her rescue, Lenalee manages to get to her Innocence, which turns into liquid form- she drinks it. At first it seems that it is rejecting her, causing blood to spurt out of her ankles through cross-shaped wounds. However, after she has lost a large amount of blood, the Innocence crystallizes it into an angelic figure and then envelops her legs, forming the new boots. These are later termed crystal type, a new evolution of Innocence, and are easier to control through her emotions. With her new, far more powerful Innocence, Lenalee comes to Allen’s rescue and then fights by his side, managing to beat a level 4 akuma together.

First Person Sample:

Ah, hello?

[Lenalee glances around the room she has found herself in, alone but for the strange device sitting on her pillow. She turns it over a few times, frowning thoughtfully. Almost like some sort of mini-typewriter, except- a noise of surprise and she nearly drops it as the press of a button causes it to come to life. What on earth is it?]

Can anyone… hear me?

[She isn’t sure why she asks. The device looks neither like a telephone nor a golem. Perhaps she is just being optimistic, but having no idea how the thing is even lighting up, who’s to say what it can or can’t do? She smiles just in case, feeling a little silly.]

Um, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on but if you two can hear this, I think that something went wrong with the Arc. I don’t really know where I am, but I’m fine, so don’t worry about that. I… suppose I’ll meet back up with you as soon as I can. So, goodbye for now.

Third Person Sample:
She goes by their rooms one by one. Lavi's is unfamiliar, sparsely furnished but for the piles of books littered about. She wonders if he has read them all, if she can flip through a volume and still feel him in the pages.

"I wish that you would stop hurting yourself."

She tenses, looks up to see Marie's serious expression as a thousand things he could be referring to flit through her mind. She smiles, even though he can't see it; with Marie, it always feels like somehow he can see without needing his eyes.

"I'm not."

Kanda's room feels like home. Her safe haven, not often visited but never forgotten. Always there for her to run to should she need it. Horribly empty.

"I wish that you would stop hurting yourself."

She wishes that she knew how to stop.

They are just empty rooms, and every time she enters she manages to see less and less of the men she loves in them. As if she is sapping away their essence herself by visiting so often. But she has to keep moving, and her feet have to take her somewhere. They are set in their pattern.

"You weren't in your room last night."

A pause. "And how would you know, Inspector?"

He seems agitated. "Inspector Leverrier wanted to speak with you, and you didn't respond to the summons sent via golem."

Of course not. The golem hovered pathetically behind her closet door as she made her trek, only to be released when she returned in the morning.

"I couldn't sleep. I took a walk."

Allen's room isn't one that she had seen before. Not because it was so closed off, like Lavi's, but because whenever he was at the Order he would be somewhere else. Eating and chatting with Jerry in the cafeteria, down at the training grounds with whoever else was home and able bodied, lending a hand to the beleaguered science team. There is only one unused bed in it now- she wonders when Link took his things back.

Most things are gone now. Evidence, perhaps. All that stands out is the bed and a stained glass panel for a window with a cross in it. She finds it a little creepy, but… right. She isn't quite sure of the reason when she stares at it for too long and finds herself crying.

It's hard to say how much time she spends there, or in any of the rooms. At first she limits herself to looking, tiptoeing along and lightly brushing her hand over the dusty sill, the sleek sheets. But eventually she grows bolder.

Despite his schedule, Komui makes time to look for her, when word reaches him that she is missing. He is not surprised to find her asleep in a traitor's bed.

Bonus: I’d like to have a fresh start with the character. After playing her at another game for over a year, I think that it will be nice to have a chance to play her straight from canon again.

application, lenalee lee, dgm

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