Sep 07, 2004 22:43
So today was the first day of school aka brain fuck. But, then again, brain fuck is almost too nice. It's more like brain rape. FORCED ONTO YOU FROM BEHIND. LIKE A SHEATHED DAGGER. I'm sick of it already, is that too drastic?? I much prefer lounging in San Francisco pretending I'm already in college. Must pay my dues I suppose? today I actually CRIED when I got home from school, that's how bad it was. Then I recovered and had a pounding headache. Now I'm to change my schedule and return to my crapfaced 6 period schedule of years past. I am so over this. Can I say it enough? just as much as anyone else has said it I suppose. Nothing special about little ol' me. So then... what else. Life sucks, James leaves tomorrow, nothing exciting will ever happen to me again. I'M NOT BEING MELODRAMATIC I SWEAR. There is nobody new at our school, there is no change, everyone is younger than me... me, who thrives as the youngest is now stuck as the oldest. no place to go!! And the poor baby, no one to cling to except us oldies... how will she survive once we are gone and graduated? Oh how can I make the best of this year. Suggestions?