Randomising absolutely everything, my dice threw me a total of seven settlers. Four single sim households, and one with three (unrelated, because I forgot to set family ties...) sims. Ignore the crappy photos (and the lack of names on all but Josephine's), please. Photobucket hates me. In the end I had to give up, before I threw something out the window. I will try harder when the updates start properly! On with the introductions:
The Woods Family:
The noise and anonymity of the city was really getting to Josephine, and she had always had a slight sense of misplacement in the pit of her stomach. Then she read about sims going off into different parts of Sim Nation, setting up their own, small communities. And the thought of it started to resonnate in her until she could ignore it no longer. She thought - if they can do it, so can I. And Josephine is smart. She loves learning. LOVES IT. Nothing more conductive to learning than basically having to build a city from scratch, right? And just like that, she had made up her mind. She then promptly up and left everything behind. Rumors travel fast in Sim City though, and she managed to gather a small band of sims willing to join her.
The Golden Family:
Darin is quiet, shy and studious. He has a hard time forging relationships, and prefers reading his books or watching the stars. He used to be a colleague of Josephine's, at Sim City Research Facility, and she was practically the only sim he liked in the entire city. Over lunch one day Josephine told him about her plan, and her reasons for leaving. He heartily agreed with her that lately everything had just seemed - wrong, somehow. It wasn't about the science anymore, it was about money. And Josephine would need a total science-nut where she was going, wouldn't she? Besides - imagine the night sky full of stars without any electric lights around to detract from it all...
The Ewing Household:
Cameron McMillan is a bit of a grouch. Ok, maybe a lot of a grouch. Why he let Wallis talk him into coming he will never know. Ok maybe he does. Maybe it was because he didn't feel safe revealing his true persona back home. Maybe he feels the need to let his true self really shine. And who, in the middle of nowhere, is going to stop him..?
Lawrence Decker always has this slightly worried look to him. But it's not that he actually is worried, it's just that he thinks a lot. When Wallis told him about a group of sims going off into the outskirts of Sim Nation to found a new city, he looked even more worried. He didn't think Wallis could really do that on his own. Secretly however, there was a slight thrill in his stomach. A place where he could focus on his passion for mechanics? Because they would need a mechanic, surely. Someone would have to figure out the nuts and bolts of everything. So he looked worried. Because he was planning.
Wallis Ewing is fun-loving, nature-loving, sim-loving ... well, basically, Wallis just loves. That includes going off into nowhere with a bunch of near-strangers (and a couple of his bestest of buds, of course!), to start a whole new community. He certainly likes the idea of freshness, of wilderness, of new relationships. Wallis likes the idea of just about anything, really.
The Sutton Family:
Peggy Sutton is the sweetest of girls imaginable. She is kind, a bit shy, has a passion for violin-playing and loves her friends and family. That is, until after the tragedy, and they decided that she was a total freak. No matter how much she pleaded with them, no matter how hard she tried to convince them that she was still Peggy, they all said she had to get out. She wasn't natural anymore. She was scary. And the kids. Think of the kids! Well, Peggy does. Peggy always thinks of kids, and a family, lovingly. She also thinks of daylight a lot, nowadays. Being ostracised anyway, she had nothing to lose in joining Josephine. And Josephine, knowledge-happy sim that she is, literally bounced around giddily when she met Peggy. So that's something, right?
The White Family:
June White is a bit flaky, has a short attention-span and is a bit thoughtless. She's always up for some fun, and here there were a bunch of sims going off to try something new! And exciting! New and exciting are June's favourite words! So she decided to join them all at the last minte, just for the sheer heck of it. Why not, as June says. What's the worst that could happen! What? No bubble baths? How about tvs? No tvs either! Wait, I-- !
Too late, June...