Which Disney Princess Are You?
You are Belle. You are strong, deep, and you are not a slave to petty superficial things. You are independent and allow yourself to see inner beauty without sacrificing your values. You are almost too good of a person.Find Your Character @
BrainFall.com Which Female Action Hero Are You?
You are Princess Leia. You are down-to-earth and stick to a rigid sense of ethics. Nerds may lust over you, but everyone looks to you for your grounded logic and intellect.Find Your Character @
BrainFall.com What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For?
You would fall part for the bad boy. Get a good lawyer, because you will fall for someone from the wrong side of the tracks with charm, looks, and all the moves down pat. Look for your future guy in bars, clubs, and on the dancefloor--he's the shirtless one with the tattoos.
You would fall part for the geek. If you're looking for love, consider spending a little more time studying up in the library. To you, there's nothing more attractive than intelligence, shyness, and kindness; your future love may have four eyes and zero social skills, but he'll make up for it in brains and heart.Find Your Character @
BrainFall.com Lol.
Thesfest was awesome! We won 3 out of 13 events and just in general had a really good time. The last play we saw was The Visit, which I highly recommend. I have to go now, but I'll talk a bit more about it later.
nebulia out.