I wrote fic! Yippee! Yay! Yahoo! Google!
Anyway, I was on a flight back from Washington D.C. yesterday, and whilst I was cramped into my
little seat, I wrote a short fic. It's a Stargate: Atlantis Sheppard/McKay slash fic.
"Gak! Slash!" You say.
I know.
I've never written any slash before. But have you seen the show? How can you not slash John and Rodney. [On a side note: 'Rodney'
tee-hee! Uh... Sorry.] Anywhoo, there's nothing at all graphic in the
story. My PG-13 rating of it is on the high side. It's posted in the
sga_flashfic comm. I'll post it here when the challenge
Here's a direct link: (
I'm hoping I'll post here again soon with some fandom thoughts. Plus-- I'm getting *really* tired of the picture of Trinity holding the gun.