Oct 09, 2010 00:50
Wow, it's ages since I've updated. Naughty me. In my defnence I've had other things on and when I get home I'm too buggered to write an entry.
Now then... I've skipped Movie Meme Day 11 (A movie that changed your opinion about something) because, after two and a half weeks of thinking about it, I can't think of a movie that's ever changed my opinion about something. Seriously, not a one... so that's that.
Onto day 12.
TV Meme Day 12- An episode you've watched more than 5 times.
The Five Doctors
The Doctor Who 20th anniversary special... ignore that it's now 27 years old.
There's a lot wrong with it... but I just don't care because it's so much fun.
Taking place during Peter Davison's tenure, it sees The Doctor's first five incarnations plucked from their point in the time stream and placed in Gallifrey's Death Zone, the Time Lords' embarrassing little secret shame. Joining them are several companions, a bunch of old enemies, and The Master, actually sent in by the Time Lord High Council to rescue at least one version of The Doctor. And all of them have to find their way to the mysterious Tomb of Rasillon.
Why have I watched it so many times?
1- I first saw it early in my Who experience, thus it was the first time I'd ever seen Troughton or Pertwee, and the brief clip of Hartnell at the start is always a thrill.
2- It's a grab bag of important bits from the show's history, making it essential viewing for anyone just getting into the show.
3- It's the last TV story so far by legendary Who writer/script editor/novellist Terrance Dicks.
4- The Raston Warrior robot... you'll see what I mean.
5- The Master and a squad of Cybermen trying to outwit each other.
6- Pertwee driving Bessie!
7- It was the first story I ever owned on VHS, so I watched it at least once a week for ages.
8- The DVD Special Edition has plenty of extra features not on the first DVD. It's the point where a classic series DVD finally acknowledges the modern series. This means, in one form or another, it features Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, Tom Baker, Davison, Colin Baker (narrating), McGann (also narrating), Richard Hurndall (taking over for the late Hartnell. Sadly it was also Hurndall's last performance. He passed away shortly before broadcast) and... David Tennant doing a special commentary with other modern figures of the show (former producer Phil Collinson proves very funny. "That cyberman's head is on fire! There's an actor in there! How the hell did they get away with that?")
There's a lot wrong with The Five Doctors... but it just works so well!
and now I want to watch it again.