Jun 02, 2009 22:45
Angels and demons still going strong, with Action Man on the side. Still didn't retrive the past logs, so until they are or we simply redo then, I will make summaries for everything on the website which I swear is coming. The current episode involves the Federal government performing a ballsy operation against one of the brothers.
Yes, I have been introduced to the world of Warcraft, and my night elf druid, Sanjia, is now level 47.
She is primialy balance spec, going into restoration once she gets dual spec. Her profressions are herbalism and inscription.
My Tauren shaman, Mishara, is level seven. She hasn't even gotten talent points yet, but once she does I think I'll go into elemental. Haven't decided her profession yet
And heres a suck pug story of my own
Last night I go into a group for Gnomergan, With player A as the leader, a player B and player C. So I start on my new to Ironforge, and chatted with them. We discussed roles, and I ended up saying "Up to leader."
Apparently Player A thought this was a request for leadership, and passed it to me. I passed it back and then Player A passed it to player B on B's request. Player A at this time is requesting everyone enable voice chat. After a couple minutes several of us get fed up, since voice chat is garbled and fuzzy.
So I get to IF, and start heading to the instance. through party messaging Player A starts demanding that B unmute him. (I don't know what happened to cuase the muting) B refuses. A starts freaking out and again demands to be unmuted, that he was talking to C. At this point we have a player D. Me, B and D are at the entrance of the instance, getting ready to go in. A kepts whining about the voice chat and demanding lead back. He's still at IF, when he and I arrived together.
C isn't saying or typing anything at this point, may have gotten disconnected or something, but was still on the map. B finally ask D and I if we just want to three man it, and we agree. A and c get booted, and we go on ahead. A continues to whisper B and whines, after which B reports A. A then whispers me, to tell B that he got reported as well, and that he was good friends with the head of WOW. He and I go back and forth for a couple lines before he ends with STFU.