
May 07, 2004 13:17

so i'm drinking my morning coffee a while ago, smoking my morning cigarette, my father watching the military and senate making excuses for the disgusting and medieval tortures thrust upon prisoners of war in the middle east. rape, beating, slashing and thrashing etc.... photos of naked bodies in a heaping pile in a less than humane cell reminiscent ( Read more... )

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knappinginasack May 7 2004, 12:06:12 UTC
1. fucking americans- YOU ARE AMERICAN!!! stop trying to be something that your not.

2. americans suck- um sweet pea wherever you decide to move to, people there arent going to be all that either. why is that again? because everybody has ego's and i say fuck the FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!

3. you hate this country- and you think its going to be any better any place else,psh, at least here we have our own rights and every country has there problems, are's just happens to be the bush administration.

thats why we vote for the democratic party! hellooo, not some random ass party that would take away from the democratic vote and put pieces of shit republicans in the white house. im telling you if Gore was in office, this country would be so different then what it is right now.


razorintheapple May 7 2004, 12:29:52 UTC
ok, my disillusioned friend, i dont know you, but democrats are the devil as well. fuck gore, he was a pussy, just like clinton but without any knowledge of foreign policy, and an idiot to boot. if you can show me one shred of brains in gores hollow head, i will buy you coffee or something. now about taking away the democratic vote.... i refuse to settle for some fucking piece of shit corporate mongering candidate, and if i feel the democratic parties candidate doesnt represent my ideals, there is no fucking way i will ever vote for him, same goes for republicans or greens. heres my problem with all you people who feel that getting the democrats into the office will solve all of our problems. you dont know shit. corruption exists everywhere within our governement and we are far too party aligned in this country. its about the individual, not their associations......


knappinginasack May 7 2004, 19:31:33 UTC
its so obvisous, that you dont know jack either
clinton did more good for this country than any other president for awhile he ended up cleaning SR. Bushes mess, and as for al gore, its probably a good bet that we wouldnt be at war with Iraq for the oil, ya know pay back.
and the democrats support gay rights issues!
but also agree that america needs more political parties so that every person that lives in the United States gets a far vote in who they want to run the country.


razorintheapple May 10 2004, 07:54:49 UTC
you know what im tired of hearing, is that democrat cleaning up republican mess and vice versa. its the same everywhere and everyone has the exact same lame ass argument to that. you know what i dont see in either party? anyone giving a shit about what really actually matters to the existence of mankind, mother earth. they are too busy giving their corporate fuckwad freinds tax breaks and cutting down trees to make parking lots at national parks so that more assholes can come and say "heh...so this is nature" while they toss their slim jim wrapper on the ground. your play on "gay rights" is as absurd as your initial argument. in fact, why dont you go run for office? im sure youll fit right in with your petty lame ass arguments...


nebulaeindigo May 10 2004, 08:44:15 UTC
right on Bryan! i was just talking to my gram about how my sister's grandkids and me sitting there tyring to explain to them what a tree was. i'm so glad that you tossed in the earth part. that's why i luv ya, you silly hippie punk hardcore boy!


svladcjelli May 7 2004, 12:47:53 UTC
Wow man, you're american like cracker fuck jacks. I hate cracker jacks. Get your head out of your ass. America isn't the country with the most freedom, it just happens to be the one I live in. I happen to think that its really fucked up, probably more fucked up than any other country on the planet, and I'd like to see it fixed. I am sure other people feel the same way, and like a sick relative, I won't turn my back on the country ( ... )


knappinginasack May 7 2004, 19:25:05 UTC
ok, i didnt say that we didnt need more plotical parties, i agree that the U.S. needs more political parties. we need 15 like germany. so everyone does have a fair vote.
but seeing that it is now only between democrats and republicans. im sorry but i will vote for a democrat before a republican. why? because of the gay rights issues!

and for you to say that it is the most fucked up country! i suggest you start reading up on other countries political policies and then tell me that shit, k.


nebulaeindigo May 8 2004, 11:13:30 UTC
gary- gay rights are a wonderful thing. however, in this case sweet pea, i find your statement a bit naive and misinformed. it's okay for you to believe what you wish to but i completely disagree with you on this one. Svladcjelli has made many good points that perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to slander just to save face. no one is attacking our rights as people that happen to be gay and voting democrat just for such a reason would be utterly rediculous. you are right about Germany and it's 15 party system- which is all the more reason i'd much rather be there than here. i do not "pretend to be something i'm not" i simply fucking abhore this country and, especially Now, want no part of it. that is my own right and you know as well as i that i plan to get the hell out of here as soon as i can. plus i promised my dog (the only child i'll ever have) that i wouldn't leave her until she dies. so yeah. that's that.


svladcjelli May 8 2004, 15:29:49 UTC
Ok, I'll agree to disagree. Your heart is in the right place, but I think your brain was off reading Michael Moore or something. Gay rights aren't the most important thing, and are definately not a deciding factor to take to the ballots. You need to think about ALL the issues at once, and pick the candidate that fully supports you. Not the one that supports the issue you feel most strongly about. You seem to be having a knee jerk reaction just to support any democrat. I'd probably vote democrat before republican too, but it really depends on the candidate. Party affiliations alone don't decide what character a candidate has ( ... )


nebulaeindigo May 8 2004, 11:06:51 UTC
you, sir, have got it right on the nose. i agree completely and you pretty much took any extra thoughts unwritten out of my head.


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