May 21, 2004 16:50
got a friend (no, not you Franklin) that owes me 20 bucks. for the past 2 weeks. i have no cigarettes or conditioner. oh and i need to thrift shop for clothes that hopefully might fit.
oh 'friend', may i have my money yet? it sucks when you know someone is screening their calls cause they don't wanna hold up to their word. i mean i dig... shit happens and stuff. and i'm overly nice sometimes - my own fault. but man...
recording mother at 7ish
devon at 8ish
jeff's apt. at 12ish
then to frank's work for recording at 2ish
that's my day.
then come home, moist heating pad and morphine. ugh i'm sooooo sick of pills and therapy.
well, perhaps a poem later....